A Conversation In A Creepy Stairwell

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Just as I thought. Locked. I really thought the roof was our great escape.

I sigh, not really knowing what to do next.


An comes up the stairs, Kohane trailing behind her.

"An? Kohane?" I ask, "What are you doing here?"

"We saw you going up here. What are you doing?" Kohane asks me.

"Ah, well, I thought maybe we could escape by climbing off the building down the roof, but, of course, the door is locked. I doubt it can be broken down since Mikukuma seems pretty adamant on keeping us here."

"That's too bad! It was a good idea," An tells me.

"No it wasn't. I was stupid to think it would work in the first place."

"Don't say that, Mizuki! It was clever! I'm sure we'll find a way out eventually!"

"Eventually is too late. Who knows how many people will die by the time 'eventually' comes around," I sulk.

"Mizuki," An says sternly and places her hands and my shoulders, "We'll be okay. We will make it. I promise you! Kohane and I will do everything in our power to protect you!"

"Thank you, An," I tell her. I don't know how she does it! She's always so positive! I almost want to believe what she's saying, "Promise me we'll make it out together?"

"I promise you!" An holds her pinky out to me and I let out a giggle before locking pinkies with her.

"Now, me and Kohane were planning to get in some singing practice to hype us up later! What do you say?" An asks.


"About 2."

"2? Oh, I promised Ichika I'd be with her around that time. I'm really sorry!" I apologize.

"Oh, no! That's completely fine! I'm a little surprised though. I didn't know you and Ichika were friends."

"No, not really. She told me she was inviting everyone. I'm surprised you haven't heard," I say, surprised. An's the type to be friends with everyone so hearing she isn't going to something like that is surprising.

"Me and Kohane have been all over the place this morning. I'm not surprised if she couldn't find us."

"I wish you could come, Mizuki," I'm suddenly reminded of Kohane's presence.

"I do too, Kohane. I'll make sure to sing with you guys some other time, I promise."

"Would you hang out with us in the meantime?" Kohane asks.

"Sure! I'd love to!" I tell her and Kohane smiles brightly at me, "What are you guys planning to do?"

Kohane and An look at each other, then back at me, "To be honest, we have no idea. We've just been walking around and sharing stories."

"Good enough for me. Come on, let's get out of this creepy stairwell." 

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