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"Well, guess it's time to talk to Leo/need. Come on, let's go."

"Um..." I start when I approach the group. They're just kind of sitting there staring at the ground.

"Can I talk to you guys?"

The black haired one, looks up at me, "Um, what is it?"

"Well we wanted to ask if you guys recognize this place."

"Um, sort of. It feels similar to somewhere I've been before but I'm not entirely sure," The black haired one Kanade informed me was named Ichika says.

"I was feeling the same," Saki says.

Kanade butts in, "Here come on, we'll show you a place that might jog your memory."

"Okay," Ichika says but sounds a little unsure, "Come on guys."

"Oh, I've got to get someone real quick! I'll be back!" I say and then I run over to where Toya and Akito are standing. "Hey guys!"


"We're going to the room Kanade, An, and I woke up in. You guys wanted to come?"

"Yeah, we do. Come on Akito," Toya tells Akito.

"You're not supposed to tell me what to do! It's the other way around!" Akito says frustrated.

Toya just starts walking toward the group and Akito quickly follows.

"Okay guys, I got them. Let's go!" I tell the group. Toya and Akito wave at them.

Kanade leads everyone back to the place we woke up. I don't know how she remembered the way so perfectly. It's almost suspicious. No! I won't think things like that about Kanade.

"Here we are," Kanade says as she stops by a door.

Ichika goes first and opens the door, "Oh!"

"What?" Saki pushes past excitedly.

"It's our Sekai!" Honami says excitedly.

Shiho walks behind Honami and quickly covers her mouth, "Um, she calls it our Sekai because... the music we make here feels out of this world! Yeah! It's like our own world!"

"We know this is a Sekai already. It's the first thing we figured out," Mafuyu says bluntly.

"What? You guys know what Sekais are?" Shiho asks surprised.

"All our groups have our own Sekais," Toya answers.

"We figured this might be yours due to the stars and instruments," Kanade adds.

"Ah, that makes sense," Honami says.

"Why didn't you guys immediately recognize the place?" I ask.

"We don't really leave our music room," Saki answers, "We woke up in an empty classroom, found our way to the music room and forgot there was even an entire school outside the room. We go to the roof sometimes to look at the stars too but that's about it."

"I guess that makes sense," Toya says.

"Well," Mafuyu says loudly to gain everyone's attention, "Now that we've established this is your Sekai, give us one good reason we should trust you."

"Huh?" Ichika asks.

"This is your Sekai. Why else would we be in your Sekai than if one of you set this up?"

"What? I don't know why we're here!" Saki yells.

"Maybe you don't, but if one of your friends has? You shouldn't trust them. Then again, the first to defend themselves is the most likely killer, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Shiho says angrily.

"Maybe I'll let you off for now if you strip right here and show me none of you have phones we can use to get out of here on you."

"What! No way!" Shiho screams.

"Fine. But be warned, I'll be watching you," Mafuyu then walks out of the room.

Complete silence follows. No one talks for a few seconds before Saki breaks the silence "WHAT IS HER PROBLEM! SERIOUSLY! 'Strip right here and show me'?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!"

"Mafuyu your gay is showing," I whisper under my breath.

"What?" Toya asks.

"NOTHING!" I say quickly, "Anyway, I'm really sorry for her behavior! This place must have her messed up. She's not usually like this!"

"Yes she is," Kanade states. I quickly elbow her.

"Don't mind her," I say, "Anyways, I'm tired! I'm sure you are too! Mikukuma said there were dorms. Why don't we find those?"

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Akito says, "*Yawn* I'm pretty tired after all this."

Geez! Now it's my turn to be scared by him! I forgot about him! He hasn't said a word this entire time!

"I'll find it," Kande offers and walks out the door. I follow her first and the rest follow soon after without a fight.

"Hey, Kanade. You're good at tracking time, right? What time is it?"

"I cannot tell you what time it is due to the fact that we don't know what time it was when we woke up, but it's been approximately 2 hours since we woke up."

"Really? 2 hours already?" I ask.

Kanade nods.

We walk in silence the rest of the time as Kanade takes turn after turn, all of us following without questioning a move she makes. I start to feel like we're going in circles when finally Kanade speaks, "This looks like it could be it."

It's a hall lined with doors on both sides and nameplates over each door. I look to the one to my left. It reads "Ichika Hoshino."

"Ichika, I think this one is yours," I call out to her.

"Really?" She asks. She walks over and tries to open it but the doorknob won't budge.

"You need to use your Monopad!"

"AHHHHHH!" Akito screams. We all turn around to see Mikukuma standing behind us.

"What?" I ask her.

"The Monopad! Remember rule #10? 'Your Monopads are very important items. Please do not damage them.' This is one of their many functions! Just scan that bad boy on the scanner above the doorknob and you're in! No breaking into someone's room for you!" Mikukuma informs us.

"Ah," Ichika pulls out her Monopad and pressed a barcode on the corner of it to the scanner and, of course, it opens just like Mikukuma said it would, "Woah!"

We all peek over her shoulder and let out a few Oohs and Ahs. The room is customized for the Ultimate Vocalist. There are Miku posters and albums all over. There's a microphone and sound absorbing pads on the walls. There's also a huge bed in the center that looks super comfy.

"I want to see what mine looks like!" Saki says excitedly and runs off to find the one with her name. The others quickly follow her. Only Kanade and I are left.

"Should we look for ours too?" I ask.

"I think I'm going to go find the others and bring them here," Kanade says, "You're free to come with me or stay he-" She's cut off

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially night time. Soon the doors to the dining hall and gymnasium will be locked, and entry beyond that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then... sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..."

"Ah, that's right. Mikukuma mentioned a rule about night time," I say.

"I better get the others quickly! They were in the gym and if they're kicked out, who knows where they'll go," Kanade says and runs off.

Kanade running? I never thought I'd see that! She seems different since we got here. I shouldn't think about it too much though. I wonder what my dorm looks like.

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