We promise

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Author's Pov

During the whole class, Asmodeus and Clara couldn't help but think about that secret this stalker was talking about, but they're importantly worried about Iruma because for the whole class he has not uttered a word, the only time he said something when his sensei asks him a question. Class is now over and the three friends proceed to walk home well more like Clara and Asmodeus attempts to race home, on the other hand Iruma was lost in his thoughts about what the stalker said.

This is what really worries Iruma the most, the secret and that he is afraid his friends would hate him for life if the truth about him should be exposed, he started worrying so much and deeply lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice he was about to walk into a tree.


Asmodeus and Clara screamed in unison,realising that their precious bluenette wasn't with them, and that he was about to walk into a tree, as if he's in a trance. Asmodeus quickly teleported in front of Iruma so he would bumped into his boyfriend instead of a tree.

And that's exactly what happened, Iruma flinched a bit but realising that it was his boyfriend, he relaxes and keeps his head into his boyfriend's chest and he silently began to cry. Clara placed her hand on Iruma's shoulder, she and Asmodeus shared a worried glance with each other.

They just witnessed Iruma being absent-minded, they're both worried and scared especially Asmodeus. Few minutes later, they started walking again in complete silence, it's not awkward it's comfortable. With his friend and boyfriend by his side,Iruma feels safe,comforted,wanted,loved, cared for and so much more in which he's so grateful for.

But all of these happy moments can be ripped in pieces if that secret is known to everyone. Iruma would feel so crushed,he doesn't want to imagine the outcome but he just can't help it.

"Clara......Asmodeus?" The two mentioned demons turned their heads towards Iruma and said "Yes Iruma/Iruma-Chi?." Iruma sighed and said "I have a favour to ask of you both"

Asmodeus and Clara looked at each other and then back at Iruma and Asmodeus said "Sure babe, anything for you, what's the favor?"

Iruma sighed again and said "I want the both of you to promise me that you'll be right by side whatever happens, please promise me that you'll never stop being my friend *he looks at Clara* promise me that you'll never ever stop loving me *he looks at Asmodeus*. I can't lose you two so please promise me that whatever happens you'll always be with me no matter what."

Asmodeus Pov

If I ever say I'm not shocked nor surprised I'll be lying, my sweet Iruma thinks I'll stop loving him for the sake of some secret,never in a million years and I know Clara feels the same way.

We were so caught up in talking that we didn't even realise that we arrive at Iruma's house, we entered, greeted Mr. Sullivan and Opera, they narrowed their eyes at us, wondering why is Iruma in this emotional state, he looks as if he's in a daze from the message from the stalker.

His mind is far away right now it seems. I sighed

I shook my head indicating that he wants some space for now,they nod their heads indicating that they understand they went and hug Iruma and welcoming him back from school.

We went up to Iruma's room sat down on his bed. It was quiet for a while then it hit me, Clara and I haven't promised Iruma that we'll never ever leave him.

I stood up and walk over to Iruma, put his face in my hands and said "Iruma baby we promise we'll never ever leave you, I promise that I'll never stop loving you secret or no secret. Clara promise not to stop being your friend and sister. We promise we'll NEVER EVER leave you Ruma, we promise."

Clara placed her hand on Iruma's shoulder and said " He's right Iruma-Chi,we promise never to leave you no matter what that secret is, we'll always be here for you whenever you need us."

Iruma looked at Clara then back at Asmodeus and said "T-thank you s-s-so m-m-much, THANK YOU!!!!." He pulled Clara and I on the bed and he started sobbing and repeating thank you over and over again.

Clara and I smiled and hugged him.

Whatever this secret is, it'll never separate us and I'll make sure of that. We have a promise to keep not even a secret can make us break that promise.

Whooohoooooo!!!! Hi lovelies, I hope you all are happy and healthy, do you guys think that this secret will tear Iruma,Asmodeus and Clara apart?

Let me know in the comments on what you think. Also tell me what you think about this story so far. Is it good? Bad? Lame? Let me know in the comments.

Sorry for ranting I tend to do that a lot, finally I'm really sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes.

See y'all in the next chapter,BYE!!!

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