You're love at first sight to me

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    Author's Note: hello guys😋so I finally got an idea well more like ideas,thanks to PhantomPhoenix578 so yeah,although I wanted a certain thing happen more later because I didn't know how it would happen now I do,anyway guys ON WITH THE STORY😄

Today is the day that both Asmodeus and Iruma decides to tell each other their feelings,the person that they have been secretly admiring since the day they met. They had agreed to meet each other to walk to school together,but Clara said she is already at school waiting for them,but Asmodeus thought she did this on purpose because school has not started yet,but he was thankful.

Asmodeus look at Iruma,admiring his blue hair,eyes,the little hair that pointed upward,which he found adorable and he found himself wanting to touch his hair and his lips with his own,then he realizes that Iruma was talking to him,so he shakes his head to clear his thoughts and asked Iruma what he said.

Iruma giggled and said "I said we're almost there,are you okay Azz??" Asmodeus smiled and told Iruma that he  was fine,he's just thinking about his crush.

(Time skip)

It was now lunch time,students in the misfit class rushed out of the classroom to the cafeteria,but Iruma,Asmodeus and Clara decided to take their time,but then the feelings started to act up again in both Asmodeus and Iruma to which Clara surprisingly noticed,silently squealing and decided to go ahead of them.

Asmodeus cleared his throat and said "Iruma umm,can I talk to you in private under the Sakura tree when we're finish eating,Iruma blushed and said "Sure,I want to talk to you too." With that little plan made,they both went in the Cafeteria to eat.

Few moments later,Asmodeus ans Iruma told Clara that they will be back soon,since lunch is not yet over,so she said she'll wait on them,but truly she is squealing inside,begging the devil that they are gonna say what she thinks they're gonna say to each other . The two keep on walking in comfortable silence,when they finally reached their destination,they begin to face each other both of them blushed and Asmodeus cleared his throat.

"So....umm Iruma,you see I-I-I....IrumaIlikeyou". Asmodeus said way too fast for Iruma to understand,so he tilted his head to the side in confusion and said "Asmodeus,I am sorry but I don't get a word you say,can you repeat it please."  Asmodeus nods his head and said "Iruma I said I love you,I always did ever since the first say I saw your lovely ,beautiful  face,you're my love at first sight,I understand if you don't feel the s---" Before Asmodeus could finish Iruma blushed and  hugged him and said "I-I-I love you too,I always had,you're love at first sight to me too".

Asmodeus felt like he was on cloud nine,he never thought he would feel so happy,he hugged Iruma back and buries his head in Iruma's neck and slightly kissed it. Iruma shivered and let go of Asmodeus but not fully,they stared at each other the gap between them started closing as they kiss,but it ended up as a makeout session, in that moment the bell rang,signalling the end of lunch.


😄😄Please comment and vote,see y'all in the next chapter bye😌

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