No one else can have you!!

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It has been a week since Iruma's and Asmodeus's first date,they will be going on another one very soon,another week has started,Iruma was ready to start the day along with Clara and Asmdoeus,So his usual morning went by real fast,he,Asmdoeus and Clara are on their way to school.

"So guys what you do think will happen to my stalker,I mean I'm still scared and all,I want this to be over soon,it has only started but I would love it hadn't start in the first place." Asmodeus looked at his boyfriend and said "We'll catch him I'm sure of it and when we do, he'll be really sorry he even looked at you".

Clara nodded her head in agreement and said "Yeah I completely agree with Azz,he must be captured and be punished in the most brutal way as possible". Iruma looked at them both silently gulped and said "Yeah both of you are absolutely right,thanks guys". They both nodded and they pass the school gate,not without greeting members of the student council that are now shouting "goodmorning" endlessly.

(Time skip)

It's now lunch time,Iruma and the others are in their usual spot in the cafeteria,they had already finished their lunches now they are just talking,when their teacher walk up to  Iruma and said "Suzuki,I would like to speak with you in private,please". The three stared at their teacher,so Iruma said "okay sir" then he looked at his boyfriend and his friend and said "guys I'll be right back".

The two of them nodded and Iruma and Kalego went somewhere private so they can speak. It was in his office so they went in and Kalego told Iruma to sit,which he did and Kalego cleared his throat and said "To my understanding you're being stalked,correct?". Iruma silently gulped and said "That's correct sir,I'm indeed being stalked".

Kalego glared coldly and said "I see,so what is your grandfather and that red head guardian of yours doing about it?". Iruma once again silently gulped and said "With all due respect sir,the red haired demon's name is Opera and my grandfather and him are still scanning the place for any suspicious and previous actions,they are now making a plan to catch the stalker sir".

Kalego scoffed and said "fine then,now do this Opera  and that  Sullivan  really think that by just planning and scanning can do any good in a situation like this".Again Iruma gulped silently and said in his mind h-he said their names with so much v-venom as though it's poison to him,does he really hate them that much,no but why Opera,what has he done to deserve this,on second thought grandpa has done nothing to him either.

Iruma then said "Well  sir they certainly are trying very hard  they also known they cannot move forward without a plan to catch the stalker,they are really confident that they will catch him sir". Kalego scoffed and said "Fine then,that is all,I asked you this because the student council and board wants to know what's happening since they have been told by the chair demon himself that he has to go home earlier than expected something regarding you ,but the chair demon didn't tell them exactly why ,so they asked me to ask you,since you're now the circle of attention you can get out."

Iruma flinched at his teacher's tone and said "Y-yes sir,h-have a g-good day sir". And he hurriedly left his office and start to walk back to the cafeteria but as soon as he reached,the bell finally rang signaling the end of lunch. He sighed and went in there anyway for his bag. He saw his boyfriend and Clara ,so he took his bag and the three of them along with the other students started to leave the cafeteria to their other classes.


It was dismissal time,the students started leaving the compound as they usually do. Iruma was getting his bag out of the locker,then he will wait on Clara and Asmodeus. Then suddenly he saw a note,he raised his eyebrows and took the note out,along with his bag and shut his locker.

The letter read:

Dear my precious Iruma,

Hello again Iruma,my love,my sweet little bluenett,it's me again,surely you remember me right?? Anyway I wanna tell you that I saw you today,but of course you didn't see me,your skin gets looks so nice,healthy and soft to touch,your eyes those beautiful blue eyes,are the most beautiful color I'd ever seen.

Oh how I wanna have you all to myself Iruma,no one can stop me,you'll be mine and mine alone no one else can have,AND NO ONE WILL EVER HAVE YOU,YOU GOT THAT,YOU BELONG TO ME IRUMA SUZUKI AND ME ALONE,THOSE WRETCHED DEMONS CAN'T TAKE YOU FROM ME,THEY JUST,CAN'T WE WILL BE TOGETHER IRUMA JUST YOU WAIT!!!

Oh and that secret that one secret that can either break your relationship with Asmodeus and your friendship with Clara,oh just imagine the look on their faces if I should tell them WHO YOU ARE!!!!!

But not to worry,I won't tell them,well I'll just get of those who are planning to get in my way,I won't kill them so don't worry about that,we demons CANNOT die THAT easily.Anyway Tata my lovely bluenett,my sexy Iruma. YOU WILL BE MINE AND MINE ALONE TEHEHEHEHEH!!!!!

Yours truly

Iruma was shaking with pure fear,so he text Opera,to meet him right now,which Opera replied immediately telling him he'll be there shortly,he stuffed the note in his pocket and began to make a run for it.

(Timeskip once again I'm sorry for the time skips😂😂)

Iruma ran and ran and ran,he knows he was suppose to wait on Clara and Asmdoeus but at this point pure fear took over his body so at this point he can guiltily do say he doesn't care,he finally saw Opera,who's eyes were widen in shock at the speed Iruma was going,if he didn't know Iruma and he saw him like this he would wonder if Iruma was a  speedy  demon and he doesn't know it himself.

Opera's hand were in a "stop" motion,but Iruma couldn't stop which caused him to collide in Opera's chest and for the both of them to fall down. Iruma was shaking terribly again and sobbing terribly too. Opera got off the ground not bothering to brush the dirt off himself but he started doing it to Iruma.

Iruma was breathing heavily and started dragging Opera in the direction of their home,getting the message,Opera started walking at a fast pace,with his hand holding Iruma's own.

After they reached home,Iruma raced in his bedroom,cooled off a bit,went in the shower put on some fresh clothes and went downstairs to meet Opera and Sullivan talking. They both see how scared Iruma was so they both ran up to him and gently bring him to the dining room to eat dinner.

After meal was finished they went into the living room,Iruma still shaking but he explained the situation none the less,The two demons read the letter but not out loud,this cause them to burst in rage,their dark aura started filling the room, but it didn't phase Iruma cause he saw them like this before,he was more amazed than afraid. Iruma got a text message from Asmdoeus and Clara,so he looked at his phone and see the message,his boyfriend and Clara were not happy.

Welp there y'all have it folks😄😄but seriously though,how many chapters do y'all want this story to have???? I've been thinking about it but I want y'alls opinion Tell me in the comments pleassssssseeeeeee!!!!!

Ronaldo,Iruma and Me: THERE ARE NO ARGUEMENTS TODAY!!!,please vote and comment everyone....BYE!!!!!

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