I can't fight this feeling anymore

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Authors Note;)
Okay guys,so the title is actually a song okay,I just decided to name this chapter after that song,You guys can watch the video above☝ or by yourselves in your own time,anyway ON WITH THE STORY!!!;)

Iruma and his friends are in the cafeteria eating their lunches,Clara was the first to finish and she got up and said "Oh man that was delicious ,welp I gotta go to the bathroom be right back guys."Asmodeus and Iruma had finish their lunches as well and decided to wait on Clara under their favorite Sakura blossom tree now they are alone,both of them were too busy thinking about their feelings for the other.

But Asmodeus was the first one to speak "So ugh...Iruma I wanna ask you something".Iruma then softly said "hmm...o-oh yeah o-of c-course,you can ask me anything,you know that." Asmodeus then cleared his throat and said "d-do you u-umm l-like anyone?"

Iruma was caught off guard,he started blushing for he did not expect Asmodeus to ask him that but he cleared his throat and answered anyway saying,"y-yeah I-I do,h-how about y-you?" Asmodeus blushed as well and said "Y-yeah I do. A few moments later the two looked at each other and started laughing.

Few more moments later,Asmodeus and Iruma are staring into each others eyes,by now Clara was standing behind a juice vending machine in which she had just brought out from one of her magical pockets.
(NOTE:I don't remember what they are called)she started her silent fangirling,but obviously both Iruma and Asmodeus were oblivious of her return and just continue to get lost in each others eyes.

(You guys can play the song now👍,if you want that is.)

Iruma felt like he was on cloud nine and so was Asmodeus,they had never thought they would see each other this way,they never experience love before....but now they do....They started admiring each other only with their eyes,they had always wanted a moment like this,now they have it so they want to put it to good use,for they are not certain when they will ever had the chance to have this moment again.

The started moving closer to each other,with Clara still silently fangirling and mentally screaming for them to just kiss already,but  unfortunately that was not going to be possible because the demon bell had started it so called "ringing",which STILL cause Iruma to jump a little.

I'm really sorry for the slow update guys,I had some little trouble but now I'm back.....PLEASE TELL ME WHAT Y'ALL THINK,I WOULD APPRECIATE IT;)


Anyway see y'all in the next chapter. Sheika boo out;)

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