He could be the one

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Morning came,the usual demon birds chirping,the ear destroyer known as an alarm once again scared Iruma out of his wits,jumping out of bed has become a "that thing will give me a heartattack one day" routine,but he swore determined that he'll get use to it,so he turned it off and when he got up,he realizes that he's starting to feel dizzy,so he wobbled back to bed and started sweating furiously.

Iruma heard a knock on his bedroom door,he told the person to come in,in a very sickly voice. Which revealed to be Opera,he was going to tell Iruma to get ready for school but he saw that Iruma was paler than how he naturally was,so he raced to the bed and said"Oh my devil Iruma,are you okay?!!"

He soon realizes that whatever was wrong with Iruma,his loud voice was making it worse because Iruma flinched and holds his head,so he apologizes and tried again,but this time in a soft voice"Good morning Iruma,what's wrong?,You really don't look so good". Iruma was laying down in his bed,when he heard Opera he smiled weakly and said "g-good morning,O-Opera,I don't feel so good"he started coughing harshly,Opera let him sat up and started rubbing his back.

"Oh dear,this is so not good,you can't go to school,not like this,so you'll be staying home until you get better,Kay?Iruma couldn't speak so he nodded,Opera then said in a brotherly tone,"okay,so I'll go and get you some soup ,at least take a warm bathe okay?Another nod is all that Opera got,so he got out of Iruma's room to prepare soup for him.

                 (Timeskip brought to you by a very sick Iruma)

In an instant,Sullivan came home,got scared out of his wits at the news that his precious grandson is ill,so he called Kalego and told him the issue to tell the other students,especially his friends. Iruma had already eaten at this point,but he was laying in his bed,his body was so hot,you'll think he might burn you're skin off.

"Oh my devil Iruma,my poor grandson is sick",Sullivan said,wiping the seat off Iruma's forhead,they had called a doctor and he said he'll be right there soon,but the two demons thought that "He's taking too damn long"  They were forced out of their train of thoughts when Iruma started coughing harshly again,So Opera made sure he had a glass of warm water for him to drink.

"G-grandpa,*coughs,coughs* I -I'm so weak,my head hurts really bad and my stomach too.Both Opera and Sullivan were beyond worried when they hear that,fortunately the doctor is finally here,he started checking Iruma,when he was finished he said"hmm,it looks like Iruma has the demon flu,it passes through the air at this time".

The two demons has suspected that was the case,but they didn't think he would have caught it THIS terribly,so the doctor prescribed some medication for him to take and left. "His friends will be arriving soon" said Opera but he and Sullivan were extremely worried for Iruma's health to actually care about that.

Clara and Asmodeus had to flown extremely fast,like how fast Sonic can run,straight to Iruma's place,for what they heard,they give their respects to the two elder demons and they were been shown to Iruma's room,but he told them to be quiet because he's having a headache,after all of that the two friends went in,seeing Iruma with two pillows behind his head,in a sitting position with his grandpa feeding him,for he was getting tired too,which was one of the symptoms for the sickness.

They went by his side and had a very very worried look on their faces,noticing this Iruma told them he will be fine and have a weak smile. But both Asmodeus and Clara were so worried,they began to doubt what Iruma said,but Opera came in and gave Iruma the medicine he should take. When he took it,his grandfather told him to stay up for a while longer,so he did as he was told.But meanwhile Asmodeus was extremely  worried for Iruma,along with everyone else.

Opera was observing him,seeing if he deserves Iruma,in more ways than one.

Well he could be the one for Iruma after all,but I'll still have to observe him though,I am willing to sacrifice anything for Iruma's happiness,because he's like a little brother to me. Opera thought while observing Asmodeus, whom keep on asking Iruma if he was okay,along with Clara,Iruma's grandfather too was watching Asmodeus caring for his grandson which made him happy,for Opera had been given permission from Iruma to tell his grandfather about his crush on Asmodeus and he happily approved,he kept on mumbling about great grandkids and such,which made Opera playfully roll his eyes,even though he knew Sullivan knew he silently agreed with it.

Everyone in the room were worried sick about Iruma's health,but then suddenly Opera's phone started to ring,so he excused himself and leave the room to answer his phone. He accept the call and places his phone to his hear and said "Hey babe".....

Ooooooo,Opera got himself a man😎😎😎Done done done,who is Opera's mysterious boyfriend??? find out in the next chapter.

Bye Guys!!!!😄Shieka boo out;)

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