Meeting Asmodeus Alice

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After the commotion with Iruma reading a dangerous scroll as a Greeting of some sort and gotten praises and also scolding remarks by his fellow schoolmates,A guy with pink hair and pinkish eyes with a long white and yellow coat moves towards Iruma.

Hearing another person's footsteps,Iruma turned around to meet the said person,Chattering can be heard in the auditorium,this made Iruma flustered and cause him to be in a panicky state.

"Hey you!!" the pink haired man said,realising this Iruma quickly looked at the said person and answered,more like stuttered a reply saying:Y-Y-Yes C-Ccan I h-h-help you??
The pink haired man smiled a little bit but quickly regain his composure and said " how dare you steal my thunder?!" I was the one that was suppose to greet the students....but you did good.

Gasp can be heard all over the auditorium and the Chattering hasn't ceased one bit,but then the director who seemed to be Sullivan said "alright alright no more Chattering about my grandson " then another demon closed to him said "okay now that's over you may all go to your assigned classrooms in an orderly fashion please,"Now chop,chop".

In an instant the students began their way to their assigned classrooms as instructed,So with that Sullivan left the auditorium to his office but not without giving his precious grandson a happy "goodbye".So Iruma was headed to his classroom but then a person stopped him and said " Hey you",he turned around and saw that it was Asmodeus and said O-oh h-hi.

Asmodeus was entranced by Iruma's beauty but then realized he was staring and then said,O-oh sorry I wanted to apologize for being rude back there,I just didn't expect someone to take my part of the greeting,although it was extremely dangerous if you should of made one tiny bit mistake,of saying those words.

Then Iruma said "O-oh that's okay,I'm sorry if I offended you in any way,if I had kn-but he was cut off when Asmodeus says "no its okay,like I said you did good,let's walk to class and talk at the same time","sure " Iruma said,so the duo began walking to their classrooms and Asmodeus said "by the way my name is Asmodeus Alice what's yours, Iruma then said O-oh it's its Iruma Suzuki ,nice to meet you Asmodeus-kun,he smiled.

Asmodeus was shocked at the sudden formality he then smiled and said "Just Asmodeus is fine". Then they both reached their classroom but then realizes that they both were in the same class and pointed at each other shouted in unison "YOU'RE IN THE SAME CLASS AS ME!!!

To say that they were both shocked that the other was in the same class,but they were a little happy but didn't know why cause they just met,but they shrugged it off and thought that maybe it's because they just earned a friend....little did they know that that their friendship would grow into something more.

DONE DONE DONE!!! with this chapter whoa,this is getting really interesting😎😎,anyway please comment and vote,tell me what you guys think PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!

Sheika boo out!!!!See y'all next time,bye bye.

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