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It has been 2 weeks since Iruma has been enrolled in the demon school Babyls, Iruma his Grandfather and Opera are talking in the living room,asking how Iruma's school day has been going so far and stuff.

"So Iruma-kun I learned that you're sensei's name is Naberius Kalego isn't that so?"Opera asked Iruma,"Oh y-yes he is,he's really scary,I really don't think we're gonna get along since he's my familiar".Two weeks ago Iruma and his classmates were asked to summon their familiars,in their terms a familiar is a magical beast that should follow their very rule,a familiar that doesn't obey their master,both master and familiar will be severly punished.

Naberius Kalego explained to them what would happen and
other important things that they should know,Asmodeus  summoned a "Gorgon snake" and Clara has "Falfal" as a familiar,It was Poor,adorable Iruma's turn to summon a familiar,but he thought to himself he can't since he's a human,but in order  to  avoid suspicious stares,he did just what he had been instructed to do,when he did,Unfortunately Kalego's and Iruma's faith decided to meet once again,Kalego had been announced as Iruma's familiar.

"Awww my cuttie,little grandson summoned that mean man has his familiar " Sullivan baby talked Iruma,Opera cleared his throat and said " Well I guess it can't be helped,he may be scary but I think he has a different side to him,I'm sure both of you will understand each other not in master servant way but as individuals".

Sullivan and Iruma were in awe and were shocked at the statement Opera just given,T-thanks Opera,Iruma said.
Iruma's Grandfather then clapped and said"Wowwww bravo,bravo that's the best thing I EVER heard you say,it almost brought tears to my eyes " He faked wiped an invisible tear from his eyes,Opera rolled his eyes playfully and told Iruma he's "Welcome".

A few hours later, it was time to go to school,Iruma couldn't take out what his grandpa said out his head a few moments ago:

"I think you're  friends are waiting for you,it's sooo wonderful to know my cute ,little "Ruma" now has friends.


Iruma thought them as his friends but couldn't come to terms to ask them as yet,Asmodeus who has noticed this behavior from Iruma,so he decided to ask to see what's wrong,"What's wrong Iru?" Iruma was surprised but he kept his composure and turned to Asmodeus and said"Oh it's nothing Azz I'm fine" He smiled,that darn smile that Asmodeus admit to himself he has come to admire.

They finally reached their school and Clara who has chatted the entire day,started to annoy poor Asmodeus,so Iruma politely told her to leave him alone,the entire class waited on their sensei to come so the lesson can finally start.


Lunch time came around,Iruma and his friends were walking to the cafeteria,when a random demon came to Iruma and said,"Hey beautiful why don't we ditch these losers and go somewhere more private".
Iruma looked towards Clara to see if she had any idea who this guy was,she only shrugged and said " don't look at me Iruma-chi,I have no clue who this guy is,Asmodeus was going to reply but the guy said " I wasn't talking to you,I was talking to Iruma."

To say the three friends were shocked was an understatement,then Iruma caught his composure and said"Umm,uhhh I-I-I-I'm s-sorry but have we met before?
Asmodeus reply before he could and said"Hey!!first of all you just don't go around and try to flirt with people,second of all who tell HELL are you?"

The same demon said,"Pfft,I don't have to answer your question,if it was Iruma,then I would've, anyway,see ya later my sweet "Iru"

The three friends then screamed in unison:WHAAAATTTTTT!!!!

Oooooo~~~someone trying to flirt with Little "Iru",what will Asmodeus and Clara do about it?,Find out in the next chapter....

BYBEE!! Sheika boo out; )
see ya next time.

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