Wait....What just happened?!

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The three friends stood,dumbfounded of what they just witnessed.Iruma especially was speechless,he tried to speak but nothing came out,so Asmodeus cleared his throat and said "I am absolutely clueless of what just occurred,but all I know is that,the demon will never see you again Iru".

Clara nodded her head in order to agree with what Asmodeus just said and she sighed and said " To be completely honest I'm surprised to say the least".Iruma whom has been in the most shock suddenly got out of his daze and face his friends and said " Yeah you both are right,well let's get going".

They nodded their heads,the three friends then walked in the cafeteria to have their lunches. A hour later when lunch was over,the three friends went to their next lesson,which was with Mr.Kalego,so when they reached the classroom,the realised their sensei wasn't in the classroom as yet so they decided to sit down and talk about the demon that "Flirted" with Iruma,to both Clara and Asmodeus dumbfounded and shocked minds,but for Iruma it was embarrassing,cause in the human world no one would even talk to him,except if they are purchasing fish,from where he worked.

Other than that no one would speak to Iruma,much less "flirt" with him,so Asmodeus was the first one to speak,he said,more than exclaimed or ask rather,"Okay let's recap,wait.....what the hell just happened!?. Clara and Iruma didn't know what to say to that so they shrug,Iruma then said "I-I-I-I don't know,I'm shocked as you both are,
he-he called me beautiful,Iruma blushed in embarrassment,Asmodeus on the other hand,was silently admiring how cute Iruma was when he is blushing.

Then Clara said " I hope he will get that you don't like him and leave you alone Iruma-chi."Asmodeus was out of his daze and nodded,in agreement  Clara looked at Asmodeus and smirked,seeing this Asmodeus asked Clara,why is she smirking but she shook her head and started reading her book, Iruma on the other hand was out of his embarrassed daze and started taking out  his book aswell,Asmodeus followed suit,but before they could start reading,they stole a tiny glance towards the other,when they realised they have been caught,they blushed and look away.

Of course Clara saw this and smirked and think to herself,"Awww they like each other,they would be so cute together,I could tell Asmodeus was jealous,when that demon tried to flirt with Iruma-chi".
After that thought,their sensei arrived,apologize for the late coming and started the lesson.

School was dismissed,demons were flying home,but Asmodeus  decided to walk,with Iruma,whom can't fly,so Asmodeus said "I'm definitely gonna stop that idiot of a demon trying his stupid,useless flirts",both Iruma and Clara could hear the jealousy in his tone,it made the bluenett blushed and got totally nervous,but it got the greenett excited,but she managed to calm herself.

Clara had decided to tease him about it,when they are alone,so she could see how he would react,although she had a perfect idea what he would say.Clara then said " Yeah me too Azz-Azz me too",She smirked knowing that nickname annoyed Asmodeus to bits,he got angry and shouted saying "STOP WITH THAT STUPID NICKNAME YOU SIMPLETON!!!!",a moment after Asmodeus was running down Clara for her to stop with that nickname,which made Iruma laughed and ran to catch up with them.

While he was running,he thought to himself, "yep, I have some great friends indeed,.....they would protect me as I would protect them too.

Haiiiiii,finish with another chapter,please comment and vote to tell me what you think,if it sucks,if it does then tell me so I can delete this book and try another one.

Anyway,see ya next time in the next chapter.

Sheika out...bye!!!;)

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