What are these feelings?

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A month has gone,Iruma and friends have been constantly annoyed with this same demon flirting with Iruma,Asmodeus rather was extremely jealous,but he doesn't know why it was so,he also realizes that he's very overprotective towards Iruma.

Iruma though,he's a blushing mess,anytime Asmodeus done something for him,he would stutter alot,the warmth he got in his stomach,the butterflies too,he felt safe with Asmoedus and he found himself staring at Asmodeus,yet he doesn't know what these feelings are for they are not familiar to him.

Then the very same demon has once again approached Iruma and his friends, They  were walking to the Cafeteria,just then a voice called out to Iruma saying " Hey Iru!!", Iruma and his friends turned around to meet that same demon annoying the hell out of them.

Asmodeus got in front of Iruma protectively  and growled,he said "What do you want,can't you leave Iruma the hell alone?" The same demon scoffed and said "Back off Pinky,I just wanna talk to Iru here",then Clara stood beside Asmodeus with her arms crossed and said " Yeah he's right,leave Iruma-chi alone,he doesn't want to talk to you,nor does he wants you",the two friends narrowed their eyes at him.

The demon rolled his eyes,scoffed and said "okay now you two are really getting annoying,but it's time I introduce myself,hi my name is Ronaldo". Asmodeus scoffed and said "My name is Asmodeus and this is Clara.The demon named Ronaldo smirked and said "Don't worry I know who you are,I just wanna talk to that blue haired cutie,you have there".

Then Iruma sighed and said "It's okay guys,I'll go and talk to him so he can be satisfied". Asmodeus and Clara were extremely surprised to hear Iruma say that and then they asked in unison "Are you sure?" Iruma then nod and said "Yeah at least he'll stop his flirting". Asmodeus and Clara hesitated but the both of them look at Iruma one more time and nodded at Iruma,Then Asmodeus and Clara went in the cafeteria and that's when demon Ronaldo start talking to Iruma.

"So Iru,you're really cute,you're so cute I can hardly contain myself,I want you all for myself,Iruma was embarrassed,but he gained his composure and said "Look Ronaldo I'm sorry,I hardly know you and most of all,I think I like someone else. Then Ronaldo scoffed and said "Oh it's that Pinky right?" Anger started to surfaced inside Iruma,but he sighed and said "firstly don't call him that,and secondly what if it was?".

Ronaldo smirked and said "I guess I have to fight for your love then with that pink-,I mean Asmodeus". This confuses Iruma,but before he could say anything Ronaldo step in front of him,raises his chin and said,"I will have you Iruma,if it's the last thing I do,you will be mine."

Ronaldo release Iruma and started walking in the cafeteria,poor Iruma was shocked and frightened,he gain his composure and went in the cafeteria where his friends were waiting for him,only to be met with him and Asmodeus were arguing,Asmodeus looked like he wants to kill Ronaldo,if it wasn't for Clara who was holding him,then he would cause some serious injuries or worse,Ronaldo smirked and looked towards Iruma and winked.

A few moments later when the three friends were eating,Iruma decided to tell them what happened between him and Ronaldo,Clara was pissed,but Asmodeus was damn furious. Iruma on the other hand was scared and worried because he didn't want Asmodeus or Clara to do something they will surely regret,so he tried to calm both of them down,but Asmodeus and Iruma  still didn't recognise their feelings towards one another.

                    (Timeskip)  Dismissal came around,everyone started to leave the school compound,Iruma and his two friends were among the group of students leaving the compound, Asmodeus and Iruma were walking side by side,while Clara is walking behind them,trying to contain her excitement,They realised this and ask about it,she then started to walk closer to them,Asmodeus then said "That baka,I swear if I get my hands on him,he'll regret the day he was born",Clara nodded and said "Yeah,jeez a guy can't take a hint". Iruma giggled but said "Please calm down guys,I'm sure he'll leave me alone sooner or later",the two friends sighed and said " I hope so."

When Iruma reached the gate of his house ,he said goodbye to his two friends,they did the same and went their separate ways,Opera and Sullivan welcomed him home,they had dinner,night came and Iruma went to bed,but before he could sleep he and Asmodeus thought in unison:

What are these feelings?

Yayyyyy,another exciting chapter,welp to me anyway,please comment and vote,it would be really appreciated,I'm gonna try and make the upcoming chapters long as this.

Anyway,bye guys,love y'all
Sheika boo out;)

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