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Morning came around,different demon creatures roaring,some demonic birds chirping,all of a sudden he heard a loud "ROAR!!!!" Poor Iruma jumped out of bed and ended on the floor and said to himself "that thing will give me a heart attack some day".

Then he got up off the floor and turned off the monstrosity of an alarm. Then he heard a knock on his room door,he then said "come in" then the door opened to reveal Sullivan,his Grandfather and Opera,he said "Good morning my adorable grandson, he said cheerfully,then Opera bowed and told Iruma good morning as well,new to all these formalities Iruma was flustered and said good morning to the both of them right back.

Then Sullivan said,Well guess what grandson "You are going to be enrolled in a school".
Iruma was shocked and let out a big,EHHHHHHH!!!,but before Iruma could say anything else Sullivan clapped and in an instant a blue shirt with blue pants and navy blue shoes appeared on Iruma,to say he was shocked was an understatement.Iruma was looking super  neat and adorable in his blue uniform that his grandpa kept on taking pictures,he was surprised cause the uniform was his EXACT size,but he shrugged it off as an "Demon instinct".
And then Sullivan said well "let us get breakfast and talk about your Orientation at your new school".

Then Iruma,his grandson and Opera exit Iruma's bedroom,and went to the living room to eat, Iruma was awestruck with all the different kinds of food that he was going to be eaten,his Grandfather said "now now don't hold back eat as much as you like".

A moment later when Iruma and the others had finish eating which was extremely delicious Iruma thought and said out loud to his grandpa and Opera's smile in appreciation for the kind remark but adorable in Sullivan's opinion ,
He was out the door but his grandpa stopped him so they can take a picture together,when they did,Iruma heard a large group of Demons of all kinds singing and flying overhead of him,so Iruma,Sullivan and Opera walked to school.

Finally arriving Sullivan said "Well grandson welcome to the demon school called "Babyls".
Today you'll be having your Orientation. Iruma was in awe of how huge his new school was,then he shouted " wait ORIENTATION?! His Grandfather then said yep,popping the 'p'. Opera then said "don't worry you'll be fine everyone is nervous on their first day". Iruma then thought to himself " Oh yeah well you're a demon so you'll be out of this unscathed but me....I'm just a HUMANNNNNNN!!!!!

Noticing his grandsons fear he snapped his fingers so that he can speak to his grandson telepathically and said "don't worry about it grandson they won't sensed that you're a human because I sprinkled something all over you're uniform and yourself as well remember??

Oh yeah I remember now, thanks a lot grandpa!!
Sullivan giggled and said in a singing way  anything for my grandson~~.

(Time Skip)

After all that Iruma and the other demons were lined up to sing their song which goes:

(Quick Author's Note...I was really freaked out to write this...I know it's just a story but still😱😱😱😱😵😨😨..ANYWAY ON WITH THE STORY*feel creeped out😨)

🎶🎼Humans only exist to be our food,suck them dry,soul,blood,flesh and all tremble at the sound of black wings as we take flight.....For we are demons,as this song pours forth from put red lips,We are demons.

To say Iruma was freaked out was un understatement of the century, few hours later Iruma was called up on the stage as a honour student to send a Greeting to his peers,so when he looked at what he is suppose to read,he realised his grandpa had been the one to left it for him which goes:
Aberuhauke,Tarutudari, iusabebe,Risuturu,aburuze, Sutumanu,aberuge,uru, Mahoraba,Tsurezaza.

A moment of silence....that's all it took because everyone except Sullivan was dumbfounded,awestruck  frightened but then applause and praises could be heard in the auditorium.

*still feeling creeped out by the song* D-d--d-done w-w-w-with the n-n-next c-ch-chapter O-of T-th-the story....p-please c-c-comment and vote t-to t-tell me what you think

S-S-sheika b-boo out,see ya next time *frighteningly waves and leaves*

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