What kind of secret is it?

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Note: Guys I'm so very very sorry for not updating for so long. My humble apologies, I wasn'feeling well emotionally but I'm okie now!. On with the story;)

Author's Pov

It's been a week now since Iruma,his boyfriend and his self proclaimed sister has forgiven each other, now it's Monday once again and the three are currently in their favorite spot under the Sakura blossom tree,everything was perfect for the three of them until Iruma's phone started vibrating in his pocket.

Signalling he got a message,he raise his eyebrow in confusion because he wasn't expecting anybody to text  him even though he's at lunch and it's basically a free period to do whatever they want when they finish their eating but still he knows for a fact that Opera wouldn't text him and it certainly can't be his grandpa either, he was starting to feel conflicted with his thoughts on who might be texting him, he only has his boyfriend and Clara for pete sake,he doesn't have any other friends.

Asmodeus and Clara are staring at Iruma,the three of them finished eating their lunch, Iruma decided to take out his phone and proceed to look at  the mysterious message.

Asmodeus Pov

I wonder  who could be texting Ruma, it certainly can't be his grandpa or Opera right? I worry a lot, especially about my Ruma, I would do anything for him, oh well it must be one of our classmates that decide to be a creep and hack for Iruma's number. That can be a possibility right?


Clara and I are now waiting for Ruma's response on who text him but then all of a sudden he got pale and a look of fear quickly flash across his cute face.

Whatever the problem is, I WILL save MY bluenette from it,no one scares MY IRUMA and gets away with it absolutely NOBODY. Okay now I really need to calm down and listen to what my lovely bluenette has to say.

Whatever it is Iruma, Clara and I will protect you, mark my words.

Iruma's Pov

I already know for sure that I have a stalker on my back, but this is honestly getting ridiculous and seriously creepy, why can't this person just leave me alone and say what they want to say, why would they want to be with me, I have a boyfriend and I'm happy with him.

I cleared my throat and start to read what the message says out loudso that my friends could hear. The message says:

Dear my sweet lovely Bluenette,

Hi Iruma, it's me again I honestly can't wait for you to be mine, to keep you all to myself and away from those PESTS you called friends, but that's not the only reason why  I decide to reach out to you once more.

I know what you're hiding Iruma,I know who you ARE, you can hide it from anyone else but you can't hide it from me, does your little friends know, do they know the REAL you, or is it that you're afraid if they know who you really are, they MIGHT abandon  you just like your parents, those cheapskates literally abandonmy poor little sweet blue haired baby Iruma.

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