Who are you?

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  Note: Hi guys * awkwardly waves* how long as it been since I updated this story (Don't answer that, I know), I'm really sorry for the extremely long wait, but honestly, I just thought this story was not good and kind of wanted to discontinue because I see many people has stopped reading? But anyways I'm back! (I think)

Author's Pov

A week has passed since Iruma's little break down and  things were slowly starting to get back to normal and it makes the three friends extremely happy, it also makes Sullivan,Opera and Ronaldo happy  but as long as Iruma is happy then all of them are happy even more, their main wish is that this stalker gives up on trying to ruin Iruma's image and trying to turn everyone against him for being,  well, uh, human, but the dark secret that is being held against Iruma has hard intensions of ripping everything away from the bluenette, but Sullivan and Opera along with Ronaldo are seriously but desperately trying to find who this mysterious person is so he can stop putting Iruma and his friends in stress and panic. At this point Asmodeus told the trio about the message that Iruma has recieved at school, they were creeped out but anger took over quickly.

The school bell  has arrived with it's annoying sound,signalling lunch time,  both Asmodeus and Clara were asked to see their teacher when lunch has arrived so that's exactly what they will do now, they walked Iruma to the place they normally sit.

"Okay Iruma-chi we'll be back, we have to see our grumpy grandpa of a teacher man that guy is grumpy." Asmodeus nods his head in agreement and fist bump with Clara, Iruma giggled at them and said "Awww I think he only wants the best for us but it's okay guys, I'll be here waiting for you two". They chuckled and informed Iruma that they will be back and they are off to see their teacher,leaving Iruma to his thoughts.

Iruma's Pov

Hmmm, I wonder what can I do in the meantime Asmodeus and Clara went to see Sensei, oh I know! I'll just start on that assignment that sensei gave us so I can submit it at an earlier date. I had already finished my lunch and I took my book out so I can start on the assignment but for some strange reason I felt a chill down my spine, I've never felt this before, it's scary but it's probably because of the wind, so I continue with my attempts on my assignment for early submission but there it is again, the chill that I felt before, I shrugged it off again,I knew I should've brought a jacket!

I looked around and saw few of my school mates either fooling around with each other or sleeping, I turned my attention back to my book, but something came to my mind.......

The secret, that I'm a human
I can't let Asmodeus or Clara know
I just can't!! I don't want to lose them
If I lose them, then what will become of me?
Will I be kicked out of this school?
Will I be kicked out of hell?

What does this person really want with me and how come they know I am a human, could it be that there's another human here!! No no way, that's impossible.

I stopped writing for a while just to ponder on the questions I'm thinking to myself, but I'm too afraid to tell Asmodeus and Clara I'm just so scared of losing them, I can't stand the thought of them leaving me and never looking back, even though they promised me......promises can be broken......no no no no no no I won't think like that! Asmodeus and Clara would NEVER EVER broke a promise with me.

I hope, I sighed and looked back at my assignment, I almost finished it which was good, but now I don't think I can continue, there is a stalker after me, what does he want, hell if I know (no pun intended).

I placed my head on the table and continue to wait for Clara and Asmodeus, suddenly I felt the chill once more, I flinched and raise my head up, only to see a hooded person walking up to me, I got up quickly and got in a fighting stance, the person stopped and I asked.


W-who are you?! Are you the person that is after me?! If so, why?!, why can't you leave me alone!, I have done nothing wrong, I didn't offend anyone, so why?!"

He didn't answer but he chuckled, it was a dark and sinister chuckle which made me scared even more, I quickly searched for someone else around but for some strange reason, it seems no one else can see this person because one of my school mates looked at me, smiled and turn away.

I started sweating heavily and I began to tremble, while  he just stood there, staring at me, then he chuckled once more and finally spoke......he said

Little, little Iruma, isn't it obvious to you by now, the only person that I want is YOU!!! I don't care about anyone else, I just want a sweet and juicy bluenette known as Iruma to be all MINE!!! You can't escape me, no matter how hard you try and what you do. I am powerful than you demon, or should I say HUMAN.

Tears started welling up in my eyes, I'm really scared more than I was, the person that is stalking me, wanting  me all to himself, slowly starting to traumatize me, is literally right in front of me.

Then he stopped chuckling and said, well it seems my time with you is over, FOR NOW but please do remember that you only belong to ME, and no one takes what's rightfully mine. Well, see you soon my blueberry.

Authors Pov

Then he disappeared, he was still chuckling,  until it faded, Iruma stood still, heart beating extremely fast you would've thought he was about to have a heart attack, he can hear Asmodeus and Clara calling out to him, but due to his current condition he was  was too overwhelmed, shocked,scared,angry and traumatised to even hear anything they have to say.

Iruma was still in shock on what took place, he stood still for 25 minutes straight, which really worries both Asmodeus and Clara. They started calling out to him even more, Asmodeus placed his hands on his lover's shoulder and still tried calling out to him along with Clara.

But Iruma's eyes rolled at the back of his head and he fainted.

Well......that went really well....


Clara: Shut up Asmodeus, author Chan is trying to make a great story!!! And besides Iruma chi is right here!! So calm your hormones!!!

Me: Thank you Clara, that man is so so........I don't even know the words to say

Asmodeus; HMPH!! *Turns around*

Clara and I: *Sigh* Iruma can you calm your idiotic boyfriend please.

Iruma: *Sigh* Asmodeus.....

Asmodeus: YES MY LOVE!!?!!

Clara and I: *whispers "whipped"*

Asmodeus: HEY I HEARD THAT!!!

Iruma: *Sigh and drags Asmodeus to sit down* learn to appreciate author, she could've  made YOU the stalker!

Me: *Smirks* Yeah I could.....*stares at Asmodeus*

Asmodeus:*Gets pale* I-I'm s-sorry author!!! *bows*

Me: That's better......Now SEE YOU ALL NEXT TIME!!!!!!

Asmodeus, Clara and Iruma: BYEEEEE!!!!!

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