To mend what was almost broken

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Note: Hello everybody,I'm sorry it took soooo long to update,I've been down lately and I needed sometime to myself,I THINK I'm fine now,keyword THINK....Anyway..ON WITH THE STORY!!!!

Monday has arrived and Iruma has decided it was time he go back to school,it's been a couple days let's say almost a week since he did go to school,his homework were done as the great student he is,he is now brushing his teeth,his uniform was already ironed,his bag was already packed and he is now emotionally ready to go back to school,also to mend his relationship with his boyfriend Asmodeus and his self proclaimed sister,Clara.

Iruma started putting on his uniform,guilt has started rushing through his veins about what he said to his boyfriend and his bestfriend,he knows that he was frustrated but he thinks it was really rude to snap at them like that,he wants to mend their relationship,he wants to mend what was almost broken.

So he pick up his bag,started heading out of his room,went in the living room to see Ronaldo and Opera,since Sullivan left early because he had a meeting with the school board,they are planning to assist Sullivan of securing Iruma,when he's away to other duties.

Iruma smiled seeing Ronaldo and tell the two demons "Good morning",to which the two responded to Iruma with a hug and a "how are you?.Iruma response was an "I'm fine" and he smiled.


Iruma is now off to school,Ronaldo had already left to work. But before he left he told Iruma that if he still isn't ready to see Asmoedus and Clara just tell them and they'll understand,although the three of them knew they would but their just being overprotective of Iruma because of what happened.

When Iruma finally reach at school,he was greeted with "Welcome back Iruma,Iruma I hope you're feeling well,Iruma we missed you,Iruma we hope you're feeling well". Iruma almost cried then and there because of how many of his classmates and school mates actually worrying about his well being.

The bell rang a few minutes later,the students who aren't in Iruma's class bids him farewell for now,to which he responded with a smile and a "thank you". He proceeded in going into the classroom. When he opened the door,all eyes are on him even his sensei is looking all him.

"G-good m-morning everybody",the whole classroom explode with concerns asking where has he been,they were worried,if he's ok now?,they couldn't stop worrying about him and other nice compliments match with real worried voice but the only ones that didn't say anything are Clara and Asmodeus,but deep inside they are burning up with guilt and worry.

Then Kalego sensei silenced them and told Iruma to go to his seat,to which he did and the lessons began.

Iruma is grateful that so much people care for him,but one thing just one thing is on his mind,will it be the same if they should find out he's,I don't know...................................


Hey guys,once again I'm really sorry that I didn't update for so long,I'm also sorry for an extremely short chapter,I'll make the others longer,so please be patient with me,please vote and comment.

Bye guys,see y'all in the next chapter😄😄!!!!!!!

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