Sullivan's and Opera's reactions

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There was a strong and thick tension in the air when Iruma told his two family members about his and Asmodeus's relationship,he is now fiddling with his fingers,a habit he picked up when nervous. Then he felt the two men hugged him so tight he thought his lungs might burst.

G-g-guys i-i-i c-cant b-breathe,quickly the two men let go of Iruma and apologize a moment later,Iruma was met with surprise no better yet,happy faces,they were so happy Iruma had to take a second thought if they are really demons.

"Oh my devil,Iruma I'm so happy for you,I knew it,see I told you he'll feel the same way and now look." This has been said by Opera that has his hands clasp and his tail and ears are twitching in happiness which in Iruma's and Sullivan's opinion is cute for Opera and they know deep down that Ronaldo would agree,then Sullivan said "oh my cute little grandson is now in a relationship,oh goodness,I can't wait for you two to graduate,have a job and give me beautiful grandkids,oooo and Opera too."

At the mention of *grandkids* both Opera and Iruma's faces were extremely red,Iruma was gonna say that is impossible but Opera stopped him saying "In our world Iruma,it is possible". This shocked Iruma greatly,he was going to say okay,but he is a human but this time Sullivan stopped him and say "when you and Asmodeus are ready to have kids,I can give you a magic portion so it would be possible,even for you".

Once again Iruma was shocked but happy none the less,once again the two demons said their Congratulations to Iruma and Opera said that Ronaldo is coming over today,both of them happily accepted. Few hours later there was a knock on the door,but Iruma decided to get it for a change which both Opera and Sullivan smiled and allow him to open the door which revealed to be Ronaldo,Opera's boyfriend.

Iruma smiled brightly and said "Oh Ronaldo good evening,its nice to see you again,come in come in". Ronaldo smiled at Iruma's polite attitude and said good evening to Iruma,Sullivan and lets not forget his lovely red head, and went in the house,Opera instantly ran and hugged his boyfriend,to which both Iruma and Sullivan smiled at the sight.

Ronaldo laughed and said "Yeah I miss you too"Opera looked up at him and smiled,he let him go and they decided to go into the living room. Once in the living room and everyone sat down,Iruma asked Opera if he can tell Ronaldo about his and Asmodeus relationship,Opera nods his head and with a bright smile and twitching ears and tail to which Ronaldo noticed Iruma told him why his boyfriend was excited and Ronaldo laughed and said "wow that's awesome,congratulations Iruma and tell Asmodeus I said congratulations too,but"...

There was a sudden dark tone to his voice which sent a shiver to Iruma,Opera and heck even Sullivan's spine but Ronaldo continued to what he was gonna say: "But if he should hurt you in any way or form,I swear on my great great grandparents he'll slowly but surely regret it,you're now like a little brother to me Iruma,I don't want to see you hurt,isn't that right babe and Me.Sullivan."

Iruma turned to the two demons whom has the same dark looking on their faces,they slowly nod their heads,Iruma was shocked,a little frightened but happy,he was shocked to hear Ronaldo would go such length for him,that he considered him as a little brother,frightened by their faces and Ronaldo's tone and happy that they really and truly care about Iruma ,it was Opera's turn to speak so he said"yeah babe that's right,if he dare hurts Iruma we'll make sure he'll pay dearly for it,Iruma is like a little brother  to me too".

"Ooooo and don't forget me his grandpa,I'll make sure that boy gets what he deserve,if he dares to hurt my precious little Iruma." At this point Iruma felt he wanna cry because it was Opera that said he considered Iruma as a little brother,also because of how much his grandpa care about him,he really and truly has the best family,When Iruma and Opera met,Iruma has already considered Opera as his big brother,he scold him when needed,took care of him,Opera treated Iruma as how big a brother was suppose to treat his little brother.

Without warning he hugged the the three men one by one,crying in joy and happiness,first it was his grandpa,secondly it was Opera and finally it was Ronaldo,the same three men were shocked at first but their faces soften and went to hug Iruma,the day ended with the small family,having a group hug,with Iruma still joyfully crying,and being squished with their warmth,they were careful not suffocate him.

Whoohooooo!!!!!😁😄took longer than I expected. Now where's that baka Asmodeus and my lovely brother Iruma kins

Asmodeus:*walks in with his hand wrapped up and a black and blue eye* What!!!

Iruma:*walks in and  glaring at Asmodeus* Asmodeus you know that Tash chan doesn't like to be called short,but you did anyway,now apologise,the injuries will heal faster obviously because your a demon.

Asmodeus:*looks at me and apologized*

Me: thank you Ruma *sighs* I accept your apology Asmodeus but don't say that again got it

Me:good now let's all say:

Me,Iruma and Asmodeus:Please vote and comment BYE!!!!!👐👐

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