Moment of peace

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Author's Note:
I'm so so sorry I didn't update as I said I would guys,it's just that I've been really sad and depressed lately and you know I kinda want someone to talk to but....I wouldn't want to trouble  or be a burden to any of you guys with my problems so here's the new chapter I'll try to get the other chapter going before Sunday kay?On with the story,oh and I'm really sorry for grammar mistakes and punctuation errors,I'll reread the chapters to make sure it doesn't happen again,this is not me I never had so much mistakes before I am very sorry guys 😔😔.

Morning came and Iruma was still sleeping ,in the middle of the night Iruma was starting to have a headache,it felt like his head was beaten against the wall,Opera and Sullivan wanted him to sleep in but he has to eat breakfast,Iruma however was starting to wake up.

He stretched and look towards his homework table that the alarm clock was,to see the time when he saw what time it was he groaned and clumsily got out of bed,then he went in the bathroom to brush his teeth and at the same time he took a shower,and proceed to go to the living room. When he got there he saw Ronaldo,Opera and Sullivan at the table but Opera looked as though he was about to go and wake Iruma up,good timing he said to himself.

"Good morning Iruma",the three demons said in unison as if they were rehearsing it,Iruma giggled and said "Good morning guys,Ronaldo I'm glad you're here". Ronaldo smiled and said "I'm glad to be here Ruma,I heard what happened yesterday from Opera and Mr.Sullivan and I was extremely worried so I had to come."

Iruma smiled and said "Thank you Ronaldo I really appreciate your concern". Ronaldo smiled,nodded and said "It's also my job to worry about you". So Iruma went up to Opera and hugged him,Opera was expecting this and so of course he hugged him back,then Iruma let him go and proceeded to hug the two other demons.


They have finished breakfast,Ronaldo had to go because he has work to do,but he left,hugging Iruma and telling him to stay away form emotional drama,shook Sullivan's hand and told him to have a nice day,to which Sullivan nodded and told him  same to him and finally his red head,his baby. He hugged Opera tight but not too tight,and he whispers something in Opera's ear,which causes him to blush brightly and his ears and tail starts to twitch to which both Iruma and Sullivan awwwed at him.

Sullivan had also left to go to work and also informed Kalego and Iruma's classmates that Iruma will not be present today ,so it'll be just Opera and Iruma today,when they left Opera turned to Iruma and said "Well Iruma it will just be you and me until the others come back,you should take it easy okay?". Iruma looked at Opera smiled and said "Okay,I will,umm Opera,did I say anything bad to anyone yesterday?".

Opera sighed and said "Well yes you did,but don't blame yourself,you were stressed and the way how Asmodeus and Clara talked to you without even listening to what you have to say,that's totally understandable,everything was okay until this started happening,they made you snap,you were stressed Iruma,frustrated even,I'm actually disappointed in both of them,especially Asmdoeus."

Iruma looked at Opera and said "Yeah your right,I mean my life was perfect until this started happening,my emotions started going wild,I didn't even know what to expect next,I'm tired of all this Opera I really really am." Opera placed a hand on Iruma's shoulder and said "I know Iruma and we all are too,you want us to go and take a walk,it's not good to keep you cooped up in this house." Iruma smiled at the idea and said "Yeah let's go."


Iruma and Opera are walking through the demon amusement park,they are both enjoying the scenery of the beauty the park has,with alot of demon kids playing around and their parents watching them and different activities.

Opera looks at Iruma and said "a moment of peace huh?". Iruma giggled softly and said "Yeah a true moment of peace indeed,I feel as though all of my troubles are gone off my shoulders,I feel so refreshed and happy,a park really is a place to take a walk to enjoy the cool breeze and let all your worries go".

Opera was extremley glad to hear that,they were so worried about him they couldn't concentrate properly on their own jobs.But now Irums is feeling fine again and that is saying something. So they decide to go back home since it was getting late,when they reach home they met Sullivan so they told him that they went on walks through the park and they had fun while doing it.

But most of all Opera and Sullivan are extremley happy that Iruma is his old cherubic self once again.

Hello everyone,I am really sorry I did not update these past couple weeks. I am currently not feeling well emotionally comment if you want,vote if you want,delete this book if you want.

Goodbye!!😔😔😔I am emotionally drained....Not because of writing of course not....I will keep on doing my job as a stupid author by making my precious readers happy....that is a promise.

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