Welcome to the Netherworld

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The netherworld world,the realm where all demons live and the one who rules it is....The Demon King,however the demon king's throne sat vacant for ages,only the most worthy will receive the seat of ruling the netherworld,but who will it be??

Iruma Suzuki,a 14 year-old blue haired and blue eyes-human boy who lives with his parents,he was working very  hard on a tuna fishing boat why you ask,simple his parents are selfish scumbags whom forces their only son to work while they refuses to work,so he is  trying to keep a few fishes in place then whom appears to be his boss said:
"Iruma youre gonna take over from here,dont mess this up boy,ya here me!?

Then said boy said " yes sir"
the man scoffed and said " and if you can't handle it or if you messed it up I'll decrease your pay"and the man ran away to somewhere else  he then sighed but the fish he was holding came tumbling down,luckily for him he dodged it and other fishes came tumbling down aswell he started to panic and dodged every single fish that had tried to fall on him.

The 14 year old bluenett sighed and thought to himself yup there goes my paycheck.
Soon enough all of the fishes fell down and Iruma had just packed them somewhere else,hoping that his boss would understand when he explained to him what happened tomorrow,but little did this poor,cute bluenett know,There is no tomorrow for him.

He checked the time and realized that it was 5:00 so he decided to leave work.
Phew,I'm so tired I feel like I'm about to pass out any second now,he said,but then he found himself wrapped in a rope and a elderly man with two horns on his head appeared,to say Iruma was scared is an understatement.

W-wh-wh-who a-ar-are you? he asked. The man didn't reply but he smiled and placed a note on Iruma's tied up form which said"sold" He was shocked,afraid,surprised heck even frightened,who wouldn't be? They both disappeared and started flying through the sky to a place Iruma is unfamiliar with, the elderly man then decide to answer his previous question but in a language Iruma cannot understand "oobishnoobish"(I feel stupid writing this,but let's just pretend it's demon language;) ).Then the elderly man snapped his fingers that's when Iruma can understand him.

The same elderly man explained to Iruma that he is now in the netherworld,which is crowded with demons and that his parents sold his soul to him. Iruma's mouth agape surprised on what he said,he then replied wha-what hold the phone,they would nev-but then he stopped himself and thought to himself*Oh how stupid can I be,OF COURSE THEY WOULD*

Few hours later,they arrived at a huge castle where a cat like man was waiting at the door,red hair,red pointy ears and a red fluffy tail. Welcome back your highness,he said and slightly bowed,the elder man then said,now now Opera we both agreed to call me Sullivan when we're alone,Opera then frowned and said no we're not alone as he stared at Iruma,who avoids eye contact,Opera smiled at his shyness.

All three guys went in the castle to explain the current situation which Iruma is most definitely shocked,but when sullivan said the words,help,please,i beg of you,he never had a grandchild before and he promised to spoil him rotten.Iruma was puzzled because he is totally a push over,he can't say no,so he is always helping people even when they don't ask for it but when they do the cute bluenett always be at their Service even when his cheapskate parents wants him to do errands for them,T-th-the demon is going to be my GRANDFATHER!!!!! he accidentally yelled causing Opera to cover his sensitive ears,

But Sullivan was unphased because he knew this would happen,then Iruma looked down and apologize multiple times to which Opera and Sullivan sweat dropped but smiled nonetheless and said it was ok.

So they went upstairs to show Iruma his new room,it was like paradise to him.

(☝This is what his room looks like)WHOAAA,he shouted then said T-th-this incredible!! he was awestruck of how beautiful his room was and it's all his,then his now grandpa said:Okay time for you to get some sleep,like I told you I'm enrolling you t...

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(☝This is what his room looks like)
WHOAAA,he shouted then said T-th-this incredible!! he was awestruck of how beautiful his room was and it's all his,then his now grandpa said:
Okay time for you to get some sleep,like I told you I'm enrolling you to school so chop chop,there are some night clothes on the bed for you,Iruma then said thanks and Sullivan smiled and said cheerily:
Call me Grandpa,but when he was about to close the door he said "Welcome to the Netherworld" and closed the door Iruma then went straight to bed,anxious of what tomorrow night bring.

WHOOHOO!!!! I feel like I would write forever,I guess this is how my amazing authors feel,about writing their stories,welp I hope y'all like it,Vote and comment pleaseeeeeee!!!!

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