Author's Note💖❤💚

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Yeah I know what some of you are thinking,"why is this isn't an update",I have more chapters writing I'll update them very soon....anway its about the  virus ..

😨😨😨😨I know most of you are panicking,well I am too,its in my country now,soooo yeah...few people has it already.....I'm praying for myself ,the infected persons and all of you guys out there.

Please be safe guys,god will help us and protect us,please take healthy precautions,stay away from people will virus like symptoms,wash your hands thoroughly and frequently and  I'm sure y'all are informed,please be safe guys😷😷😷😷😷

I love y'all so much and I care about your happiness and health....God will protect us once again I'm praying for y'all I love y'all so much❤❤❤❤❤

Peace out!!!😄😄👊👊👊👍

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