Another boring day

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Iruma's morning hasn't changed not in the slightest,the familiar sounds of demonic birds chirping,the nuisance alarm clock once again stripping him of his calm manner been replaced with that of a headless chicken battering for its life but Iruma though he fell right out of the bed once again,but he just took his time in getting ready because he had plenty time to spear,he had set the alarm on an earlier time for him to get out of bed,so he went out of his room and into the living room.

"Oh Iruma,I was going to come and wake you,but the alarm did that again for me I see,Iruma flinched and said "That thing will definitely give me a heart attack someday". Opera laughed and said "I hope you get use to it before that happens,anyway your grandfather apologized for the fact he isn't here to see you going to school,but you'll see him very soon after school,but he has some business to do elsewhere."

Iruma sighed and look at opera and said "it's okay,I know he has to work and stuff,I just wish we can spend some time together as a family ."Opera notice the sad tone in Iruma's voice,so he went up to him and puts his hand on his shoulder and said "he's extremely sad as well,but I'm sure we'll spend some time together as a family real soon okay?"

That made Iruma smile and hug Opera and said "I'm really glad to hear that,thanks Opera!" Opera smiled widely and his tail and ears starts to twitch which shows his relief he also asked if Ronaldo can come over and he said yes and hug him back,knowing he just made his little brother happy again. So Iruma said goodbye to Opera,but Opera remind Iruma to inform him when he's coming back,Iruma nodded and off to school.

(Time skip)

The students home room teacher Kalego wasn't here yet neither was their friend Clara which was odd but the  boyfriends hope for the best,so the  boyfriends decide to talk a little about their relationship. "So Ruma now that we're in a relationship now,how about we go on a date on Saturday??"

Iruma blushed and nods his head,look at Asmodeus and softly said "yeah,sure I would love to go out with you Azz,I love you so much. Asmodeus blushes and said "I love you more Ruma. " They were so engrossed in each other,they didn't notice Clara was sitting beside Iruma until she decided to speak "Aww,that's so cute,ooo and I have to do something for my family,so you'll have the entire say to yourselves,and because I don't wanna be a third wheel."

Bothe of them jumped at the sudden voice and Asmodeus stand up and started shouting saying "YOU DAMN SIMPLETON YOU FRIGHTENED ME AND MY RUMA",An angry mark came on Clara she stand up as well and shouted back saying "I DIDN'T WANNA FRIGHTEN MY BROTHER RUMA KINS,BUT YOU I DON'T CARE ONE MILLIMETER,ONLY REASON WHY I WOULD KINDA CARE,IS BECAUSE RUMA KINS WOULD BE SAD."

The classmates of the three friends sweat dropped anime style,so did Iruma,but he appreciate the concern that both of them are displaying for him,but not in the what you might say descent way.

(Time skip)

It was now lunch time and the three friends are doing their everyday routine together. Something has been bothering Iruma but when he was in front of his boyfriend and friend he tried hard not to let it show. It was about the feeling he had the other day,he was wondering who in the netherworld would wanna stalk Iruma to the fact that he doesn't even walk home alone anymore.

The three friends sat down and started eating,after that they decided to talk for a while until lunch has ended, Iruma said "Uhm Asmodeus,I-I think y-you should come and s-see m-my f-family,Clara can come too of course,so they can know you two more." Asmdoeus and Clara smiled at the idea and Asmodeus said "Very well,oh and you should meet my family too,and then your family can meet my family and Clara's too."

"Yeah,yeah,yeah great idea guys,I'm 100% sure my family would love to meet you two." "So its settled then on Friday our family members will meet one another " Iruma said to his boyfriend and friend, they both nodded and with that the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

(Time skip sorry for so many time skips guys😅)

It was time for dismissal and Iruma,Asmodeus and Clara made their way out of the school compound, "Today was one boring day huh guys?" Clara sighed and said "Yeah Ruma it really was."Asmodeus also sighed and said "at least the day is done,we all can just breeze this boring day off". Iruma and Clara nodded and as usual they went their separate ways but before they do Asmodeus hugged Iruma,kissed him and said "I love you so much Ruma".

Iruma blushed hugged,kissed back,pulled away and looked at Asmodeus then say "I love you more Azz Azz", Clara awwed at them both,which cause them both to turn extremely red,but smiled none the less. After that it was once again Iruma alone walking home,until Opera come for him,while he waited he heard some rustling in the bushes ,he frantically looked every where at this point his back was turned to the path that Opera would meet him ,but couldn't see who the culprit is that is startling him obviously on purpose,then he felt a hand on his shoulder he was gonna scream but he realizes that it was Opera.

Iruma felt he would jumped out of his skin,but he calmed down when he saw it was only Opera, Opera though felt guilty for scaring him unintentionally like that,so he apologize which Iruma told him it was ok.

Then all of a sudden Iruma hugged Opera again and started crying,he was trembling too,Opera was now furious at this point,he and Sullivan had checked the place over and over but couldn't find anything,but now that scoundrel decided to bring on his dirty colors again,it was obviously scaring Iruma to the core. He let him go,wiped his tears,he and Opera had started walking to their home.

When they finally reached home ,Opera told Iruma to go and cool off for a couple minutes and take a shower,dinner was already ready. After that Iruma was refreshed but not mentally though,he was still shaken up after what happened today.

Hey guys,as promised another chapter😄😄right on the bat. Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far.

Asmodeus: Yeah,it's kinda okay


Clara:*smack him* be nice to Tash Chan you baka!!!!.

Asmodeus:*rubs head and glares at Clara*

Me:Thanks Clara

Clara:*giggles* your welcome Tash Chan

Iruma: Hey guys!!!

Me,Asmodeus,Clara: Hey Ruma kins/Ruma/babe!!!

Me,Iruma,Asmodeus,Clara: Please comment and vote...BYE!!!!!!

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