Iruma has a stalker!!!!!

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In the night,Iruma tried to go to sleep but he keep having a nightmare about yesterday which was unusual but he was able to sleep none the less,cried himself to sleep to be more precise ,Iruma has NEVER got a nightmare before so why now? His alarm clock has once again rang but Iruma was surprisingly unphased by this,so he took his time to get out of bed.

Iruma went downstairs,he saw Opera and his grandfather,he was overjoyed so he run and jumped on his Grandfather and shouted "GRANDPA",he started sobbing terribly and trembling too. Opera and Sullivan look at the state Iruma was in and frowned,not liking it one bit.

Sullivan hugged his grandson tightly,whispering soothing words in his ear,this made both Opera and Sullivan extremely upset that whoever is doing this they are obviously frightening him terribly but they swore that they'll find whoever is doing this and make them pay ,today was a Friday but they told Iruma that if he doesn't want to go to school today he doesn't have to,but Iruma smiled,wipe his tears and told them he wants to go,so they smiled slightly and nodded.


Iruma was off to school,but before he went out the door,he hugged his grandpa and Opera,but Opera place a hand on his shoulder and ask "So did you tell Asmdoeus?" Iruma's eyes widen and said "N-No I haven't not yet" Opera sighed softly and said "alright but when you're ready,tell him Iruma nodded and hugged Opera once more.

Then he went out the door,only to see his boyfriend and friend at the gate,waiting for him. "Good morning beautiful,how are you doing on this fine day?" Clara giggled,Iruma blushed hugged his boyfriend and Clara. "Good morning handsome and Clara". He smiled at them both and they started walking to school.

So Ruma ,how's Mr.Opera,and Mr.Sullivan doing? Asked Asmodeus. "Oh,they are both fine thanks for asking",Clara giggled and said "I would love to go there again,wouldn't you want to see you're lovely in laws Azz Azzy". Asmodeus was getting very angry,so an angry mark came on him and he yelled at Clara saying,"WHAT KIND OF IDIOTIC NAME IS THAT,YOU YOU SIMPLETON,ONLY MY BEAUTIFUL RUMA CAN CALL ME THAT IF HE WISHES,YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT RIGHT,YOU DAMN SIMPLETON!!!!".

Iruma laughed loudly at these two bickering back and forth and started chasing after them,who has started running and still arguing.


Iruma and the others were sitting in the cafeteria and a random demon came up to Iruma and said "you're Iruma Suzuki right". The three looked at each other and back at the demon and Iruma answered saying "Y-yes I-I am,C-Can I help you?" The demon gave him a note and told him "Don't read it yet,wait until you get home,bye bye now!". And so the random demon walked away from the three and the note that is now in Iruma's hands.

They looked at each other once more,and Iruma said "W-well I guess I should not read the note until I get home,when I read it,I'll text you guys on what it says okay?". Asmodeus and Clara nodded,but concerned for Iruma,Asmodeus  loves Iruma very much,he knows something is very wrong with him,but it appears he's not ready to speak,so he'll wait until he's ready to talk,but he'll always be concerned for his bluenett,he is his boyfriend after all it's his duty to be concerned for the love of his life.

Clara also noticed something was bothering Iruma,for being with Iruma for so long,she can tell when something is wrong with him from the look on his face and that certainly is the type of look he is making now subconsciously,so she'll continue to observe him and wait until he is ready to speak,she is his bestfriend after all it is her duty to be concerned for her self proclaimed brother.

Few hours later,it was time for dismissal Iruma and the others were walking out of the compound and to their homes,but they were making a small talk,since it's evening Asmodeus and Clara had a change of plan and decides to go over Iruma's place today and  of course they told their parents and they were completely okay with it and said that they hope to meet Iruma very soon which the three of them agreed but an over excited Iruma,that tomorrow it will just be the boyfriends going on a date and spending the entire day together. "YAYYYY yayyy I can't wait to see them again,come on come COME ON SLOW POKES LET'S HURRY TO IRUMA CHI'S HOUSE."

Iruma laughed and sweat dropped while Asmodeus was angry so he shouted "YOU DAMN SIMPLETON STOP THE DAMN SHOUTING WE'LL BE THERE SOON SOOOO KEEP IT DOWN FOR DEVIL'S SAKES." Iruma laughed more,causing the two friends to join the laughter,they did that little charade because they want to put a smile on his face ,his previous expression didn't suit him and they know this so that's why they did it and because they both love to annoy each other,they see each other as siblings.

While walking,Iruma noticed that there wasn't any suspicious noise when he has Opera,or Asmdoeus and Clara it only happens when he's completely alone,he told Opera that Clara and Asmodeus are coming over,so he has company today,which Opera says okay and that Ronaldo will also be coming over and would love to meet Iruma's boyfriend began he  cooking more food for the three demons.

"IRUMA HAS A STALKER!!!!!" yelled Asmodeus,Clara and Ronaldo,but the three family members  had already cover their ears, predicting that they would shout on top of their lungs of what they are about to hear. "Seriously who on earth would do this,I swear I'll rip them limb from limb"this was said by Iruma's enraged boyfriend, the others were so angry,the air in the room got tense,it could scare away a cat. Iruma though was worried about the demons in the room,their expression were extremely dark,and they're anger was growing by the mere thought of their precious Iruma being stalked.

Few moments later,dinner was finished and Iruma decided to read the letter,so there began to settle in the living room,to hear what the letter says,Iruma looked at them and asked "ready guys??", "ready" they said in unison. Iruma sighed, and began to open the envelope,he saw a letter,so he took it out of the envelope,with the letter only in his hands,he opened it and began reading it says:

Dear Iruma,

heheheheheh,hiii Iruma ,you don't know me,but I know you,I really want to have you,and no one will stop me,I keep to your every shadow,I know what you drink I know what you eat and where you are at school to eat too heheheheh,I know you love to recycle but you're not good at it Iruma kunieeee,heheheheheh.

hehehehehehe,You tend to relax under the Sakura tree,with your friend and that bastard of a boyfriend of yours,how could you Iruma!!! I will have you not him,not anyone else,I stalked you when you're alone,every day,while you were dreaming your thoughts so distant I was looking at you through your window...That's right!!  I know where you live!!!


I shall take my leave,it's not the right time,but I'll be back,so keep been so peace full my little sunshine;)


Yours truly


G-guys,please vote and comment,I'm sorry for the long wait to update...see y'all next time😄😉😉

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