First date

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Today was the day of Asmodeus and Iruma's very first date,Iruma was nervous and Asmodeus too,so I'm Ruma got out of bed,finally got used to the monstrosity of an alarm so he didn't fell out of bed as he usually do,which was a relief for him,he heard a knock on the door,he told the person to come in.

The door opened to reveal Sullivan,he went to Iruma and hug him saying,"Good morning and good luck on your first date Iruma,I'm so proud of you getting a boyfriend that cares for you so so much Opera,Ronaldo and I were watching him secretly and we were really surprised to be honest".

Iruma smiled and said "thanks grandpa and good morning,I couldn't ask for anyone better to be with,I'm just really glad I got the approval of the three of you,you guys are the best ",he hugged his grandpa,he hugged his precious grandson back and said "awww your welcome we care about your happiness Iruma,we'll do anything for you ".

"He's right Iruma,although I don't have to tell you that and good morning by the way",said Opera as he and Ronaldo came in Iruma's room,Iruma smiled widely and ran to both Opera and Ronaldo to hug them, they were surprised but they hugged back none the less and smiled. "Good luck on your date and good morning ,Iruma" said Ronaldo as Iruma let them go to look at them.

Iruma blushed ,smiled and said "Good morning guys and thanks by the way Ronaldo,I'm really glad you're here and all but you're here early ,why?" The three demons in the room chuckled and Opera said "We'll trying to come up with a plan,while you two go on your date,we'll tell you what we planned of course and we will all do the group discussion from there".


Iruma and the others has finished breakfast and we're now waiting for Asmdoeus to come and pick up his beloved bluenett. So when they heard a knock on the door,Iruma went to open it which revealed to be Asmdoeus,the man of the hour he was in a black skinny jeans,with his black Clark's and a blue v-neck shirt,Iruma was in the same but his jeans are blue and his v-neck shirt is red.

The other demons stared at the lovely couples greeting each other,with hugs,kisses and "I love yous".He looked over to them and nodded in greeting,which they do the same.  Sullivan,Opera and Ronaldo all  had decided to talk about what happened yesterday so they told Iruma and Asmodeus to have fun and be careful,the both nod and off they want to start their date.

"So Azz,where will we be going for out date?" Asmdoeus said " Just you wait Ruma I'm gonna make this date special for us". Iruma beamed at that and nodded excitedly which cause Asmodeus to chuckle. Few moments later the new couple has arrived at the demon's amusement park,where all the most craziest rides,food,games and other thing you could possibly imagine,Iruma was more excited at this point,but all Asmdoeus did was stared and chuckle at his bluenett.

They decided to go on rides,they were alot of rides to go on and Iruma wants to ride ALL of them but he realises  that it wasn't possible until Asmodeus said "Hey babe,I know you want to ride all of them,so let's do it!!!". Iruma was shocked at what Asmdoeus said he blushes at the nickname and said "H-h-hun a-ar-are y-you sure about this,I mean I don't want to waste your money,I can pay for some of the rides for us".

Now it was Asmdoeus turn to blush at the nickname his bluenett gave him he said -b-babe listen,I want you to be happy okay,this is nothing,I will not allow you to pay for anything,I will be doing all the paying. Iruma was about to object but he was stopped with a kiss,his eyes went but he slowly closed them and kissed Asmodeus back with the same amount of love Asmodeus was kissing him with.

Both of them were blushing darky,they stared in each other's eyes,and it was decided that Asmodeus was paying for everything,his parents are rich after all. Few hours later all the rides were rode by the new couple,they fed each other,play with each other,laugh at each other,tease each other,they are now cuddling on a bench,other couple that sees them either "awwed at them", some of them even said "you go man!!,other couples just stared for a while smile tell them congrats  then go about their business.

Iruma sighed and said "Hey Azz,what if the secret that the stalker has for me was actually revealed to you and it was like no other,would you still love me?" Asmdoeus look at Iruma and said "Iruma no matter what that secret is it can NEVER make me stop loving you,I promise you I'll never leave you and I will fulfill that promise,as for that bastard stalker,we will find him and when we do,we'll make sure he regrets the day he was born,he will pay for messing with my Ruma,"then Asmodeus kissed Iruma's forhead.

Iruma blushed and smiled then said "thank you Azz Azz, I really appreciate you all doing this for me". They couple then got up and  decided to walk around the park,it was now evening,so their date will be coming to an end very soon,but Asmdoeus promised Iruma that they will do this again very soon.

(Time skip)

The new couples date now finished,but they had a wonderful time,they did all the things couples do on dates, so Asmodeus walk Iruma home,Iruma  said "I had a wonderful time with you Azz Azz,I want us to have an exciting date like that one again soon". Asmodeus chuckled and said "I promise that we will Ruma".

Once they reached home,they were greeted by Ronaldo,Sullivan,Clara and Opera,they were pulled in the house and we're asked alot of questions about their date in which the new couple didn't mind,the Ronaldo Asmodeus  and Clara will be going home now, Ronaldo hold Opera by his hips and he kissed him passionately,Opera blushed brightly but he closed his eyes and kissed back as much.

Iruma was the exact same way,Sullivan and Clara were clapping and awwww at the couples,so they were off to their homes,Opera and Iruma were still blushing because  Sullivan were teasing them.


Asmodeus: *walks in with a black and blue eye,bump on his forhead,and a sling on his arm*. You are cruel😑😑😑😑

Me: You started it😑😑😑😑

Oper all *face palms*:Asmodeus behave your self.

Asmoedus: But I'm not doing anything,okay I'm sorry

Me:*sighs* fine it's okay

Opera,Me and Asmodeus: Please vote and comment,BYE!!!!!

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