Forgiving and forgetting

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Authors Note:Hey guys I'm really sorry for not updating for so long,I'm a bad author,😢😢I promise I'll do better,this chapter is gonna be extremely horrible,but like I said I'll do better,but please don't stop reading please please don't remove this story from your reading list (if it is even on it) I'll improve I promise😢😢😢 then ON WITH THE STORY!!!!

It's been four days since Iruma decides to go back to school yet he didn't go to his friend and boyfriend to apologize the way he talked to them,he decides to do it today but his mind and heart is still not ready but his conscience are,guilt is heavily creeping up at Iruma.

He blames himself at the way he lashed out at his friend and boyfriend,but the situation that he is in now,got him really afraid,frustrated,stressed you name it and for his friend and boyfriend to add to that list is the ending cause of him snapping at them.

Iruma is now in the cafeteria sitting by himself,he decides to give himself more time before going to his friend and boyfriend to apologize,Asmdoeus and Clara came in the cafeteria they were looking for Iruma and they found him,when they do here comes Mr.guilt again seeping through their minds,their conscience are screaming at them to go over there and apologize but they decide to give Iruma more time alone and went to sit somewhere else.

Iruma started eating slowly someone could tell he wasn't hungry but having a full stomach in order to learn is extremely important because no one can learn on an empty stomach. Both Asmdoeus and Clara looked over to Iruma,seeing him rating slowly is enough for the guilt to control their bodies for them to get up and started walking to where Iruma is.

Noticing this Iruma slowly turned around seeing them coming closer to him,when they do Asmdoeus looks at him as ask. "Hi,I-Iruma umm is this seat taken??."

Iruma shake his head and told to them that they can sit.When they did it started to get really awkward,but they all know that this can't continue because they all know that if it did,it would make their relationship crumble in pieces especially when Iruma's and Asmoedus relationship has just started they obviously don't want that.

So Iruma cleared his throat to try and get rid of the tense and awkward atmosphere,lunch is almost over they need to do this and they need to do it now. "S-s-so ummm h-h-hi g-guys,so umm I would like to talk about umm what happened few days ago I think it was."

Asmdoeus and Clara faces are filled with more guilt so much guilt that tears and they started speaking in unison sure since geochemical other but thus paid it no attention and started speaking nonetheless.

"I-I-I-I Iruma we're really and truly sorry for the way w-we t-talked to you the other day,w-we're really and truly s-sorry please find it in your kind heart to forgive us,please."

Asmdoeus alone still talking now since Clara now has her head in her hands and sobbing heavily continuing her apologies so Iruma can hear. "B-babe p-please I'm I'm I'm so so so sorry,I didn't w-want to hurt you,I didn't mean to,we didn't mean to,I'm so sorry,we both are really sorry".

At this point Iruma is crying so much,his head is starting to hurt,he is looking at both Asmodeus and Clara,all three of them started having a mental breakdown,but the knew this had to be done,either they forgive and forget or they go their separate ways,the thoughts about that filled them with fear and so much sadness especially Iruma and Asmodeus.

Iruma wiped his tears but with a shaky voice he said "It's its it's okay g-guys I f-f-forgive both if you,p-please let's just forgive and forget okay??"

Few moments later Asmdoeus and Clara stopped crying the three pairs of eyes were really red,so Asmodeus and Clara got up and go to Iruma,who started getting up as well,they all started hugging each other and they all kept apologizing Iruma started apologising as if he had rehearsed it but Asmdoeus and Clara said together.

Iruma we're not mad at you,we will never be,we love you said let's just forgive and forget.

And with that the bell rung signalling the end of lunch.


😇😇😇😇😇please comment and vote tell me what you think,although I know some of you are gonna get mad at me for this,but you have every right to be,I'll accept scolding😯😯😢😢😢

Anyway see y'all in the next chapter related soon,I promise it'll be really soon. Sorry for any grammar mistakes I'm having problems and I can't concentrate,I'm pathetic I know😢😢

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