Didn't see that one coming

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   Author's  Note:Okay guys Listen up,or rather read up😄😄😄😂in the picture above,let's all pretend that he's Opera's     boyfriend,Ronaldo.....Now ON WITH THE STORY!!!😆😆

Yeah baby,do you think Mr.Sullivan and Mr.Iruma will mind if I come and visit you?,I really miss you and because I really want to meet your family,so they can know who their family member is with and the type of person I am. Opera blushed and his ears started twitching and he said I-I-I'll h-have t-to ask them and I miss you too,  Ronaldo chuckled softly and said *okay then babe text me and inform me of what they said okay? Opera said "sure I will" they said their "I love yous" and end the call. Opera then went back in Iruma's room and suggest that Iruma got out of bed since the doctor suggested for him not to stay in bed all day.

Asmodeus and Clara left early because they have to get ready for school tomorrow but they promise that they will visit again.

Iruma can now be found in the living room with Opera and Sullivan,Iruma started coughing,after he calmed down Opera offered him some water,to which he accepted with a small thank you,but Opera started playing with his fingers,a habit he got when he is extremely nervous about something,so he got the courage,cleared his throat and said "Guys there is umm,something I wanna ask you both".

This got their attention cause Opera is NEVER EVER nervous well at least not in their presence so they told him to ask them ,so he said "C-c-can m-m-my b-boyfriend come  o-over t-today,p-please? This cause Iruma to do a spitake,Sullivan was so shocked he literally started checking his ears if he was hearing right,but fortunatley for him he was.

One because Opera NEVER EVER stutter,two he has never SHOWN ANY sign of nervousness and three they totally didn't expect Opera to declared he now has a boyfriend,but regardless of that the two men were really happy and hug Opera and told him it's totally fine with them,Iruma said his throat feeling alot better,"Wow I can't wait to meet your boyfriend is he nice?"

Opera nods his head with a smile and said "he really is,he wants to meet you guys as well,he's looking forward to it" So Sullivan says "Alrighty then,let's all get ready to meet Operas boyfriend~~he said in a teasing voice,which cause Iruma to softly giggled and Opera's entire face starting to get red as his hair and he glared at Sullivan.

(Time skip)

It was finally time for the two male to meet Operas boyfriend,but Iruma was getting extremely nervous and Opera assured him that he will be fine and that his boyfriend will like him. A knock was heard and Opera went to open it which reveals the man he loves so much.(Picture above,remember guys☝☝☝)

He grew Opera with a hug and a kiss,to which both Iruma and Sullivan "awwed" at he came in and greet the two men with a bow and said with a smile "hi,my name is Ronaldo Mckintosh,its a pleasure to meet you". He shook hands with the two and they decided to go in the living room,once they got their they sat on the couch and started talking.

Ronaldo looks at Iruma and said "so you have the demon flu,I see well I hope you feel better soon,Opera talked ALOT about you guys,so I just had to come and meet you guys sooner to see how you got my babe here so fascinated although you are his family after all." Both Iruma and Sullivan smiled at that and thanked him,Opera on the other hand was blushing to which cause Ronaldo to chuckle and Iruma and Sullivan to "awwed" at the sight.

Iruma then started to cough again,to which the three men looked at him worriedly,he reassured them that he's fine,to which they sighed in relief but they are still worried. So Sullivan looks at Opera and ask "so how long have you two in a relationship for?"

Opera smiles and said "we've been together for two weeks now". Iruma smiled and said "Aww really,that's so sweet,you see Opera I had a hunch that he'll feel the same way about you and I was definitely right" Opera looked at Iruma and said "yeah and I have you to thank for that,so thank you and I hope that horrible flu leaves your body soon"the three men agreed after Iruma says to Opera he's welcome.

After a few more talks Ronaldo think it was time to go home,he said farewell to the family and went out the door with Opera with him...."you're family members are really nice Opera". Opera smiled and said "thanks their all that I have,I cherish them both,so I'll see you tomorrow then? Ronaldo chuckled and said "yeah babe I'll see you,I love you" opera blushed and said "I love you too" and they both kiss.

Watching from afar,were Iruma and Sullivan ,then they both quietly said in unison "Didn't see that one coming"But Iruma was starting to  feel jealous of Opera but he dismissed the thought,he wants to have a relationship with Asmodeus just like Opera and Ronaldo,but he thinks that Asmodeus doesn't like him.


Anyway see y'all in the next chapter😄😄. I love you guys bye bye

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