Say what now?!

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Opera stuttered the name of his crush,he most likley struggled,he then sighed and said "his name is Ronaldo".I met him a few days ago before you came here,I really like him a-and,yeah I have a huge crush on him.

Iruma felt like he was struck by lightening or worse,but he surely thought that he didn't hear that name of Opera's crush correctly,he felt as though his hearing has been corrpupt,he doesn't know what to think,so he forced his brain to find the next words to say,but he decided not to say that same person tried to flirt with him,for it will most likely crush Opera's heart and he doesn't want that .

Iruma,still in shock said "wow really,that's great Opera,I hope he feels the same way about you,cause you two would totally be a perfect couple".Opera blushes and said "y-you r-really t-think s-so?!" Iruma then smiled and said "I know so"

But in Irumas mind ,there was de ja vue,it goes like this:OH MY GOD,SERIOUSLY LIKE SAY WHAT NOW!!! THAT SAME RONALDO THAT FLIRT WITH ME AT SCHOOL,I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS,IF OPERA FINDS OUT HE'LL BE CRUSHED, Iruma then sighed,look towards Opera and smile.

"SAY WHAT NOW!!!!",screamed Asmodeus and Alice,Iruma has invited his friends to week advice on what to do,but this was their reaction. "Hey that was what I thought about"said Iruma,Then Asmodeus shook his head and Clara did the same thing and said"but if Opera finds out,he'll be heartbroken".

"Yeah and I don't want that,I mean of course I don't like Ronaldo,but still I have to talk to him about this,but I won't tell him that Opera is the one that has a crush on him". Asmodeus and Clara agreed to the idea. A few moments later the three friends started playing and laughing together,but then Iruma got a text on his phone,it said"

Hey,Iru its Ronaldo here I hope you don't mind I have your number,anyway I want to say,I like you,but then I realised you don't like me back,so I guess I'll back off.I was wondering if we can be friends.

To say Iruma was relieved and surprised was an understatement,he was really happy,so he sighed and of course his two friends noticed and Asmodeus said "what's with the sigh Iru".Iruma looked at his friends and said "Well Ronaldo just text me and said he no longer likes me and if we can be friends ".

The two friends were shocked and screamed at the same time "SAY WHAT NOW!!!".Iruma had to cover his ears,and he said "yeah that's what he said,I'm really happy,now if he feels the same way about Opera,they can finally be together,".Then Clara said "that would be so awesome and so sweet,Asmodeus and Iruma nod their heads in agreement.

Few hours later,Iruma's friends decide to go home,tomorrow will be Sunday,so they decided to hang out as usual.Then his grandfather Sullivan came to Iruma's room and knocked, when he was told to come in he did just that and in his cheerful voice he said "good evening my precious grandson,Iruma said the same and Sullivan then said "I'm so sorry of not spending time with you my little grandson".

Iruma smiled softly and said "grandpa its ok,I understand you're busy I know we'll spend more time together when you can and besides as long as you're healthy and safe,that's good enough for me". Sullivan,was shocked but he smiled and said "t-thank you Iruma",both men in the room was shocked because this demon has NEVER EVER stuttered before,the a moment later they both began to laugh,having a true grandpa and grandson moment.

Hey peeps its Sheika,here again,I hope you like this story so far,OH PLEASE OH PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!I REALLY WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK.

Anyway,see y'all in the next chapter,sheika boo out;)

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