CHAPTER 446: listen to me

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The doors to Black Dragon that were tightly shut opens as Lu Tian's tall figure walks out. Behind him were Xu Long, Lin Hui and Qi Li.

Yiqing turns around to see them and he takes a step to the side to let his boss through. Waiting for the other three to pass too, he smiles at the two bulky men.

"Well, it's been fun hanging out with you both but give your brothers a message for me."

His smiles widens until his eyes turned into upside down crescents.

"Next time, don't hide in such obvious places."

He place his hands behind his back and spins around. However, the second he turned away from the two men, the smile on his face disappeared as indifference appear on his face.

Walking away from Black Dragon, he and Qi Li enters the second black car while Lu Tian entered the rear seat to the first black car with Xu Long and Lin Hui.

Watching the cars start up, the two bulky men were dumbfounded by Yiqing's sudden words of message. Their eyes couldn't help but glance to the surrounding buildings and they thought the same thing.

'Don't tell me...'

On the rooftop of the surrounding buildings, the members of Wolf Team spread to their own positions. Guns in their hands, they point down to the men Guan Li instructed to hide for backup.

Each person from Black Dragon had been found the second Lu Tian entered the building.

Sitting near the edge of a building, Huan Min wore a black raincoat to keep the rain away from him.

His eyes kept for movements down below. When he saw his boss and the others exit Black Dragon with no scratch and enters the two cars, he stood up from his pose.

Lifting a hand, he press the button on his earpiece, "Captain has left the building. Everyone move out."

Giving words to the other members of Wolf Team positioned in the other buildings, he turns to look at his partner, Weilong. He signals a nod with the man.

"Let's go."

Weilong glance at the older man with purse lips and points his finger.

"What about them?"

Sitting on the ground drenched by the rain were five members of Black Dragon. They had been striped of their weapons and tied together.

Huan Min looks at the five men, then shrug his shoulder.

"Captain's orders for now. Let them go."

Which was the truth. Lu Tian ordered them to capture anyone from Black Dragon hiding. However, he said not to kill.

Of course, if they make any attempts, go ahead, but if they don't, let them go.

Freeing the men, Huan Min and Weilong knows that this little bit of mercy from Lu Tian is only directed at Chu Qiang and not Chu Li Xiang. After all, the two men have their own followers.

As the members of Wolf Team pack up their things to leave Retro, the two black cars had already driven a distance away from the wretched place.

In the first car, Xu Long who took the driver seat glance at the rearview mirror to his boss. He contemplated to himself for a few seconds before asking.

"Boss, what are we going to do about Chu Qiang?"

Hearing the question, Lin Hui was also curious about Lu Tian's plans. The second he walked into Black Dragon, he wanted to tear the place into pieces and leave no survivor, but he had to hold himself back. As of right now, he and Alpha Team are to listen to the man's orders.

Seated in the backseat, Lu Tian stares out the window as rain trickle onto the car with sound. His lip slowly part and his voice sounds.

"If he decides to help Chu Li Xiang, it will be the end of Black Dragon."

Lin Hui lightly nod his head as he listened to Lu Tian's words. Keeping his eyes on the rainy road ahead, he slightly furrow his brows.

"From the man's expression earlier, it seems he has no idea what his brother has been doing until now, but will he really turn his brother in? I mean-"

"They're not brothers."

Before Lin Hui could finish his words, Lu Tian's deep voice interrupts him.

As someone who deals with the underworld, he has found many information about each gang and like every human being in the world, Chu Qiang and Chu Li Xiang have a story of their own.

Thinking this, he slowly reach into his coat pocket and takes out the bloodstained ultrasound photo of his and Yue Ling's baby.

His thumb gently caress it and his words fell.

"Find Chu Li Xiang."

Both Xu Long and Lin Hui were surprise to hear that Chu Qiang and Chu Li Xiang were not brothers, but when they heard Lu Tian's words, their expressions flash with seriousness.

Out of the three of them, Liu Shan is the better hacker, but he is still unconscious. They will work together and find the bastard.

Even if they have to turn the world upside down, as long as they find him, they will make him pay for what he did.

Staring at the photo in his hand, Lu Tian's eyes slowly flutter. He turns his head to look out the window again.

With his wife laying unconscious and their child gone, he feels so numb like he was the one who died.

Like he's just dragging his empty body around until he kills Chu Li Xiang.

As the two black cars travel through the rainy streets of Imperial, the red lights to Black Dragon turned on as they open for business for the rest of the night.

However, despite the ruckus of laughter and music echoing inside the place, Chu Qiang was in a chaotic mess inside his office.

He sat behind his desk with shaking legs. His mind was a mess at what was happening. That stupid brother of his actually dare to cause havoc for Black Dragon by trying to kill Yue Ling but ended up killing Lu Tian and Yue Ling's unborn child.

Chu Qiang held his head as he massage his temples. Why is he and that stupid Chu Li Xiang's way of seeing things so different? Why didn't that bastard back off?

Thinking to himself for a long time, he takes a deep breath and turn to look at Guan Li.

"Find my brother. If he refuses, tie him up and drag his ass here."

Just as Chu Qiang's words fell and Guan Li was about to answer, the doors to the room abruptly swung open and a figure enters in a sarcastic laughter.

"Hahaha, my dear older brother. Why the need to find me when I already came to you?"

Chu Li Xiang, who had escaped prison was standing in front of his older brother. His entire head was wrapped in a white gauze that one can see his blood almost soaking through. He wore a cast on his right arm and a small gauze wrap around his right ankle.

Walking over to an empty chair he plops down to sit.

"Don't you feel any sympathy seeing me like this?"

He looked so pitiful from the crash, but the moment Chu Qiang saw him, blood rush to his head. He abruptly stood up from his chair and walks around his desk.

Striding in big steps to his younger brother, he grabs the man by the collar and pulls him up. His bloodshot eyes glares murderously at the man.

"You fucken idiot! Why didn't your fucken ass listen to me?!! Why did you fucken do it?!!!"

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