CHAPTER 487: brain isnt working

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The dark sky that covered Imperial slowly turned brighter as the sun began to rise from the horizon. Due to its early calling, most of the people in Imperial still slept soundly since their alarms had not alert them to start their day.

However, this time at Imperial Airport, the once empty place is already crowded with a certain amount of people. Some leaving to go travel out while others are just now entering.

Amongst a crowd sitting in the waiting area, a man is clothed in a brown trench coat. He wore dark sunglasses and a mask that hides his facial appearance.

He held a newspaper like he was reading the latest news, but he would often glance from behind his sunglasses to check his surroundings.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Sitting one seat away from the man, a woman asks as she held her daughter in her arms.

They were waiting for her husband to finish checking them in so they can go through security check. However, she noticed that this man had been here since they arrived at the airport.

Thinking that something must be wrong since he kept looking up, she couldn’t help but ask.

The man did not look at the woman nor did he answers her question. He kept his eyes on the passing crowd before rising from his seat and walks away. He did not take the newspaper but leaves it behind.

Given the cold shoulder, the woman furrow her brows in confusion with a slight feeling of suspicion. However, quickly brushing it off, her attention returns to her daughter.

As the man walks away in the direction of the security point to board the planes, he made sure that there were people blocking every side of him.

Confirming that he was not being followed, he sighs in relief.

There were five people in from of him until it was his turn to go through security check. Once he passes, he will be long gone from Imperial and away from Lu Tian and Fate.

As one person after another moved forward, his eyes lit up from behind his sunglasses.

It was only a matter of time before it was his turn.


Just as he was about to take a step forward, the person behind suddenly bumps into him.

Born with a short temper, blood boils inside him. He was already moving in pace with the line, how dare this person push him.

"What is your problem?"

He lowly growls as he turns to face the man. It wasn’t just anger but annoyance that rushed inside him. He was in a good mood, but this bastard of a person ruined it for him.

When his eyes met the person, he snorts a scoff.

It was a man slightly taller than him by half a head. He was wearing a black suit and had neatly comb hair slightly brush to the side.

From his appearance, he looks like a businessman with good looks.

Eyeing the unknown person from head to toe, the man clicks his tongue. He thought it was someone looking for a fight but turns out it was a good for nothing bastard.

"Tsk. Watch who you push, or I’ll kill you."

Spitting out words of threat to scare the person, the man turns around as it was nearing his turn. However, just as he turned, this unknown person spoke.

"Where are you going, Chu Li Xiang?"


That’s right. This man in such suspicious attire is none other than Chu Li Xiang.

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