CHAPTER 538: why does it still hurt?

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Once they were done with dinner, Yue Ling and Lu Tian sat on one couch as the other three sat on the one across. As for Liu Shan, the assistant had been put to sleep in one of the two guestrooms.

"You see, we figured something was bothering him, so we went to see him. However, the man was worse than what we had thought."

Lin Hui went into detail as he summarizes what had happened.

After their brotherly moment, Liu Shan didn’t want to stay at home. It was then that Xu Long came up with the idea for them to go have a little drink despite the sun still being out.

Lin Hui and Qi Li protested against the idea, but Liu Shan wanted to go. He said as long as he can get away from his place, he didn’t care where they went.

So, being the good brothers that they (Lin Hui and Qi Li) are, they decided to go too.

When they got to the restaurant, Liu Shan, who is a weak drinker, finished three bottles of hard liquor. Lin Hui and Qi Li drank too, but their alcohol tolerance was higher.

Even Xu Long who is considered to be a weak drinker could hold his alcohol better than Liu Shan.

However, into their drinking, Liu Shan blurted out everything to them. His feelings and Ling Ni’s story.

The three of them knew it was something they shouldn’t have heard, but they still listened to him vent his heart break. It was the least they could do for him.

When Liu Shan finished, that was when the situation took a new turn. He wanted to go find Ling Ni and ask her to give his heart back to him.

They don’t know the woman, but they know that if they were to let Liu Shan go, he will only have his heart broken again.

As they tried to stop him, Liu Shan who is great with his fists almost knocked all of them out and escaped. Luckily, Qi Li had fast reflexes and dodged all the punches. He was also able to stop the assistant from reaching the point of no return.

When they tied the man down, they didn’t know what to do from there on.

However, knowing that there is only one person who can talk some senses into the assistant, Lin Hui decided.

"And that is how we ended up here."

Lin Hui ended the story. He sat between Xu Long and Qi Li. Both his hands clasp together and settled on his lap. He looked like a person who was sitting in the middle of an important job interview.

The reason he suggested for them to come here is because of Yue Ling. She was always the one who could calm the assistant down with words.

He doesn’t know how she does it, but he thinks it has to do with the calm air that she has. No matter what situation they are in, she can always calm a person down.

Yue Ling listened until he finished, and she sighs. She had been trying to figure out her own problems that she forgot her own assistant was having his own.

She had once told him to seek closure, but if she had known this closure would break his heart so much, she wouldn’t have suggested it.

However, this is for the best. With this closure, even if it hurts at first, he will grow to accept it and move on from it.

Taking a deep breath, she looks at Qi Li, then Lin Hui and finally Xu Long.

If they had not gone to see Liu Shan, they would never know that he is going through this heartbreak.

"You guys did good. If you want to go home you can, but you are also welcome to spend the night here."

Her words fell as she stood up from the couch. Looking back at Lu Tian, she gives him a smile.

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