CHAPTER 457: to dress him

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Liu Shan sat on the edge of his bed as he couldn't help but think about what he just saw.

He was supposed to come back to get some things really quick then head back, but after what happened with Ling Ni, he lost track of time.

*Ring Ring

Suddenly, the sound of his phone rings inside the room as it woke him up from his deep thoughts.

Looking at the screen to see who it was, he takes a deep breath and answers the call.

"Sorry, I fell asleep."

He made sure he sounded normal so the person on the other line will not realize he had been crying.

["Really? You think I'm stupid? I know you didn't fall asleep. You went to hang out with your pretty neighbor, huh?"]

From the other line, Lin Hui's teasing voice chimes in as he knows about Liu Shan's feelings for Ling Ni. However, he didn't know that his words just crushed the assistant's heart more than anything.

Liu Shan force a painful smile and chuckles.

"Ah, you got me, but I'm on my way now."

Quickly as his words fell, he ends the call and stood up. Grabbing for his packed bag at his side, he takes a deep breath.

As he reach the front door of his place, his hand froze when he touched the cold door handle.

Why does love have to hurt so much...?

Realizing his sad question, he drops his bag and got onto the floor. He starts doing some push ups to distract his mind.

This was a habit of his when he wants to clear his head.

After forty pushups, he stood up again and takes another deep breath. He cannot appear in front of Lin Hui and Xu Long like this. There are other more important things to do than worry about his broken heart.

Pulling the door open, he strides out in full confidence like he was not sad at all. However, the moment he closed the door, the one next to his opens.

"Liu Shan..."

From the side, Ling Ni's voice calls out to him.

Usually the way she said his name would make him have butterflies in his stomach, but now, it was like a sharp pain to his heart.

Like someone was stabbing every part of his inside.

Telling himself to hold it together, he does not say a word to her, but nod his head in greeting. It was the same gesture he used to give her when they were only neighbors.

Without looking at her, he turns the other way and headed for the stairs.

Ling Ni had been waiting for him. She stayed by the door and listened for his door. Which was how she was able to leave her apartment the same time he left his.

However, seeing him ignore her and give her the cold shoulder, she felt an aching pain in her chest.

"Liu Shan, I'm really sorry. I never meant to-"


Before she could finish her apology, Liu Shan cut her off as his back turned to her.

"Whatever you do is your private life."

He clench his fists tightly and inhales a quiet breath. He slowly turns to look at her.

She was wearing a light pink dress and white trench coat. Her brown hair was tied in a low bun with loose strands of hair framing her face.

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