CHAPTER 511: fear or anxiety?

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*Clank, clank, clank, clank, clank

The sound of hurried footsteps rush down a set of metal stairs as it echoes inside a certain part of the factory.

Chu Li Xiang was just now leaving the only room on the second floor of the place. He held tightly onto two duffel bags as he makes his way down the stairs.

He had long heard the sound of gunfire from afar and near, but he was still packing what he cannot leave behind.

The money in his safe was a total of 6 billion yuan. He could not afford to let all the money he had worked so hard on go to waste.

However, knowing he didn’t have much time left, he could only pack what he can. If he continues to stay in the room any longer, his escape route will be block.

*Pu! Clank!

Reaching only halfway down the metal stairs, a bullet shot at him. However, it didn’t hit him, but hits the metal rail as small flash of sparks scattered for a second.

The sound took Chu Li Xiang by surprise and he stumbles back only to sit on one of the stair steps. His hand lost its grip on one of the duffel bags and it rolls down the metal stairs.

He glares in the direction of the person who dare to fire the shot at him. However, his face drained of all colors and he grit his teeth tightly together.

"Lu Tian."

The fearsome man that brings havoc upon those in the underworld stood less than 10 meters away from Chu Li Xiang.

Lu Tian’s hand holding the gun slowly lowers and he stares expressionlessly at the despicable man.

"This is the end for you."

The man’s deep voice sounds as he walks towards Chu Li Xiang’s frozen figure.

"D-Don’t come any closer! Your woman... Your woman is here! She’s in my hands. Shoot me and I will have my men kill her!!"

Chu Li Xiang roared at the top of his lungs in hopes of making the man stop. However, he didn’t realize that anyone can hear the fear in his voice.

His men said they have Yue Ling. He can use her to threaten the cold-blooded man.

Or so he thought.

"You mean me?"

From the left of the man (Chu Li Xiang), a soft voice asks as a slender figure comes into his view from the corner of his eyes.

Hearing the voice, Chu Li Xiang slowly turn his head to the person, and he was met with the eyes of the ocean that could swallow him.

Shivers crawled inside him. Those bluish green eyes held an overpowering aura as if it was looking down on him.

"Y-You... How..."

He stutters his words as the rest of what he wanted to say remained stuck in his throat. His mouth could only open and close in silence.

Usually, those who see him would cower in fear, but not her.

Her expression held no sighs of hesitation or fear.

The more confusing thing for him is, isn’t she an innocent retired model? How is she able to hold a gun like it is the most natural thing for her?

He stares at Yue Ling then to Lu Tian. Something inside him was telling him that he is facing the grim reaper and the angel of death.

His eyes subconsciously glance to the bag he had dropped.

He contemplated whether to grab it or not. However, seeing that it had already landed on ground level, he decided to go with the latter.

At least he still has the other duffel bag. If he can get out of here, the money inside this bag will be enough to keep him alive.

Deciding on this, he tightens his grip on the remaining bag. His throat bob as he struggle a hard gulp and reach for the gun at his waist.


There was no gun.


He curse inside for his stupidity. He had been so focused on loading his money in the bags, he forgot to grab his only protection when he left the room.

Seeing the man’s movement, Yue Ling faintly scoffs. She walks towards the man as did Lu Tian.

Their steps were in a slow pace, like they were taking their sweet time, but at the same time, they were quickly closing the gap between them and the bastard man.

When they were following the trail of blood left by the man wearing a navy suit, Gui Tian Lan had informed them that he has captured the guy while trying to climb out a window.

With this giving them one less problem to deal with, they decided to go after Chu Li Xiang.

And like luck was on their side, Liu Shan found another way to get to where the bastard man is.

So deciding to play a little game with him (Chu Li Xiang), the couple decided to split up.

"Are you feeling fear or anxiety?"

Yue Ling spoke as she slightly tilt her head to the side.

"It’s funny. I used to be so concerned about what kind of mother I should be for my child."

Placing both her hands behind her back, she never took her eyes off Chu Li Xiang.

However, it was like she was staring through him and into another world.

"My child. So small, so innocent. A life that only wanted to see this world."

She slowly blink her eyes and stares straight into Chu Li Xiang’s soul.

"But it was a chance taken from me."

She will never forget the feeling she felt during the crash. A feeling no mother should ever feel.

The feeling of a massive amount of blood flowing out of her as she lost her unborn child.

The feeling like she had died alongside her child.

"A life for a life. That is what you said."

Her eyes dim darkly and her entire being changed from the angel of death to Asura.


Before Chu Li Xiang could gather his thoughts together, she had already shot him in the arm.


Chu Li Xiang’s body flung to the left at the sudden impact and his grip on the duffel bag loosens.

The bag drops onto the metal stairs as his back hits the rail behind and his breathing turned heavy.

His right-hand press against the wound on his left arm and he glares murderously at Yue Ling like he could kill her at this very moment.

Yue Ling pause in her steps at the foot of the stairs and she looks up at Chu Li Xiang.

"Tian killed Julia, so you thought it would be wise decision to come after me."

Lifting one leg, she steps onto the first step of stairs then the second.

Her expression turned darker and darker with each step she took.

It was like darkness itself was slowly engulfing the place despite the sun still being out.

She stares at Chu Li Xiang dead in the eyes as her words continue.

"However, it was not my life that you murdered, but my unborn child."


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