Chapter 0: Run Away.

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Guardian huffed, gripping his only weapon, Dipsy's chainsaw. He looked up to see the large Spider creature making its way towards him. Po growled as Guardian stood up, holding his chainsaw up. Po stopped in front of Guardian for a second, and instantly swiped her claw. Guardian ducked and moved, causing Po to lose balance and tumble onto the ground a bit. Guardian ran up to her, revved up the chainsaw, and plunged it into her chest. Po's screech of pain echoed throughout the outskirts, but Guardian only pushed deeper. Po pushed the side of her leg against Guardian, and pushed him far.

Po stood up, her legs only shivering slightly, with blood gushing out of her stomach. Guardian coughed and looked up at Po. The start of this fight, he saw what he considered an old friend, even if she didn't know him. She was an innocent Teletubby who was used against her will, and forced into this monster. He tried to reason with her, but now, he knew she was long gone. All of them were. He huffed, "I'm sorry, Po!-" He leaped onto his feet and charged towards her. A ball of flame shot out of her mouth and Guardian ran to his left, dodging it. She charged towards him, and slammed her leg down, but Guardian moved, almost getting hit. He pushed the chainsaw into her leg, causing her to shriek. 

She jerked her claw forward, causing Guardian to back off. She lifted her front legs up, and slammed down, causing the ground around them to quake. Guardian tripped, and Po quickly ran over, towering over him. She shrieked as smoke started bellowing out of her mouth. Guardian frowned. He couldn't stop looking at her face, why was that the one familiar thing? Why did it have to be? But her once brown eyes were now tainted with an evil red. He pulled his chainsaw back, and plunged it into her open wound on her stomach. He took it out, and slashed upwards, deepening and causing the wound to move up to her chest. He then turned to her leg, and stabbed into it. He stood up, and started moving it around her leg, soon enough, she fell down, and the bottom half of one of her legs were severed.

Po was screaming in pain as blood gushed out her leg and wound, Guardian tried to block them out, and looked at her. It struggled to stand. it looked at Guardian with a desperate look. He felt guilt.. He lowered the chainsaw to his side, and stuck his hand out without thinking. He could see her lift one claw gently, but it collapsed down, and Po started going limp, as her red eyes started vanishing. Finally she stopped all together, and laid on the ground, covered in her own blood. "I'm sorry, Po..-" Guardian looked away, feeling sick. He turned to Noo-Noo, and started walking towards him. The AI vacuum stared at him with its cold dead eyes. "We could of worked together, we could've built a better world." Guardian didn't listen, and kept approaching Noo-Noo. "Do you really think you've won?" Finally Guardian stopped Infront of him. "Your world is about to turn to ash. You're too late.." Guardian squinted. "Farewell, Noo-Noo." He lifted the chainsaw up, and started destroying the AI. Noo-Noo made small distorted noises that almost taunted him, it sounded like high pitched broken laughter. Finally, he used the chainsaw to slice the robot in two, and stared as it's cold dead eyes burned out. 

He turned to the sky, hearing a helicopter. "It's- The military. They're here.." A few minutes later, they landed and some soldiers stepped out, armed and ready. Some walked passed a dark green Teletubby in an army mask, and started examining the area. He could hear one whisper "What the hell" as it looked at Po and Noo-Noo. The Teletubby spoke. "I am Sargent Miles, We received  a distress call from this area. What's the problem here, Guardian?" He looked back at Po, then the outskirts ruins. He thought of Dipsy, Po, Tinky Winky, and Laa-Laa. He thought of all of them. "It's- Horrible. They're all dead.. Noo-Noo caused this." Miles squinted at him under the mask. "Caused what?.. It's a vacuum, sir." Guardian felt angry. "He created monsters, infected all of them for some new world order." Miles took a step forward. "A vacuum created monsters? What do you take me for here, Tubbie?- Explain yourself, now." Guardian opened his mouth, but a soldier yelled out. "Sir, Over here!-" All of them turned over. The distant sound of walking was heard.. They all rushed over to the hill where the soldier was. Guardian held onto his bloody chainsaw.

They all looked over the hill. "Dear god.." Hundreds of furless Teletubbies were marching through the valley towards them. Their eyes were blacked out and their arms weren't even there. Some had muzzles on, blades for arms, and off in the distance, he could see a large silhouette with spike like bones poking out its back. Miles quickly brought his hand up to his ear and spoke, "Prepare all units for an invasion!-" Guardian revved up his chainsaw, staring at them, while Miles aimed his gun. "Now, We must fight." 

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