Chapter 8: Stay And Fight.

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Eve was fully mutated now. She had four spider like legs, her left arm was a long sharp bone made to be like a blade. She had spikes stabbing through her back, hollow eyes and a dark sadistic smile. Her claws were sharp, and she squinted at Guardian. She roared, and raced towards Guardian. She swiped her claw, and Guardian used his chainsaw to block. He pushed forward against it, trying to saw it off. She grabbed him, and threw him back, her grin widening. Anne huffed, and stood up. She started shooting at Eve. Her skin was almost unphased, as she turned to her. Eve seemed to crouch, and bounced into the air. She grabbed onto the metal bars above, and climbed up. She perched there, and looked down. Guardian looked up, "What is she doing?.." They heard growling, and something dropped down from above. Anne and Guardian looked behind them, to see CharredTubby. "Kone and Butters.." Their tail swung behind them, and both of their grins became more sadistic. Both roared, and the claws on their hands sharpened. They started walking towards Guardian. He held onto his chainsaw tightly, while the Teletubby towered over him. Finally it swiped Kone's arm, and he ducked. Guardian backed up, but the tail swiped and hit him. Guardian hit the ground, and CharredTubby grabbed him. He slammed Guardian against the wall, and roared. It threw him down, and the tail arm grabbed him, and smashed his head into the ground.

Anne pulled her hatchet out, and ran towards CharredTubby. CharredTubby turned, and clawed Anne. She fell back, a cut going across her chest, but not deep enough to truly injure her. CharredTubby got on all fours, and leaped towards Anne, a lion like growl coming out the two heads. Guardian grabbed his Chainsaw, and stabbed it threw CharredTubby, and threw him to the side. It rolled on the ground, but stood up. It ignored its own wound, which had gushing blood, and continued standing tall. It started shaking in rage, and let out a blood curdling distorted scream, shifting between Kone and Butters voice. It charged towards Guardian, and hit him. It swiped again, almost knocking him over.

The monster kept swiping, and Guardian kept blocking or dodging to the best of his ability, but CharredTubby was clearly faster. Phil grabbed his knife and ran towards CharredTubby. He stabbed it into its side. The tail pulled the knife out its side, and swiped it at Phil. It hit him in the forearm, which he instinctively used to block with. Phil screamed and backed up, bleeding from his arm. CharredTubby turned his way, grinning, knowing what it did fully. It started swiping the blade at Phil's direction, while Guardian ran towards it. Butters arm grabbed Guardian's arm, and threw him forward, causing him to scrape his knee and drop his Chainsaw. The chainsaw slide against the ground, far from his reach. Guardian stood up, ignoring his slightly bleeding leg.

A bullet went through Kone's head, and it turned around, bleeding from the forehead. Anne was sweating, nervous. "W-Why won't you die?!" The creature let out a muffled sentence, "Only feel rage." It grabbed Anne by the neck, picked her up, and punched her in the face. She fell back, her nose bleeding. It spread its arms out, and roared in her direction, trying to intimidate her. Guardian hit it in the side, causing it to step back. It hissed, and backed up. It started swiping at him again, but she shoved his chainsaw into its chest. Still, it was unphased. It grabbed Guardian's arm, and started trying to crush it. Anne looked around, and saw her bag of explosives on the ground. She quickly fired her gun into CharredTubby, causing it to back. She got up, and started running passed it. She opened the bag, and pulled out a C4. "Guardian, Phil, run!-" Guardian grabbed his chainsaw, and started running with Phil from CharredTubby. Anne activated it, and tossed it at the monster. It hit its head, and landed on the ground. CharredTubby looked down, confused. Finally, it realized what it was, and let out a loud roar. The C4 exploded, throwing the group back into walls. The explosion caused smoke to fill the room, and to shake the facility. 

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