Chapter 1: NewBorn Invasion.

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Shots rang out through the valley. Thousands of Newborn screeches roared through the valley. All of them started charging upwards. All the soldiers began shooting, Newborns dropping one after another. "Back up!", Miles shouted. The soldiers started to back up as the Newborns made it over the hills, and onto the land where Po died. One charged at Guardian, and he lifted his chainsaw, stabbing into its stomach and yanking it out. One jumped out from behind the dead one, and slashed its blade arm. Guardian jumped back, causing the blade only to brush his fur. It jerked its head forward, trying to hit him. He grabbed its head, and sliced its blade arm off, and pushed it down. Miles was keeping his distance however. He kept aiming towards their heads and firing. He aimed at one rushing towards him, and blasted its head, causing its skull to explode from the impact of the gun. He quickly noticed one about to attack a fellow soldier, and he shot at it through the rib, causing it to drop. 

As they plowed through them one by one, they noticed they just kept coming up from the hills. "Sir, We're being overrun!-" He looked over to a soldier looking his direction, but a blade jabbed out from their stomach from behind. The Runner Newborn pulled its blade out and looked towards Miles. He backed up towards a pink Teletubby in a camo-hat. "Annie!- They just keep coming! We need to take shelter until reinforcements arrive!" Both looked back towards the Satellite Station's door. "Get that open!" Anne ran towards the levers on the side, and started messing with them. He put his hand up to his ear and spoke, "Any remaining soldiers, Start getting to the Satellite Station's door, we will have it open soon, and get over inside of it!" Guardian quickly took notice of the Soldiers running towards the door. Miles pointed at the Teletubby still in the helicopter, "Go get help from base!" The Teletubby nodded and started the helicopter. "Good call.." He started to turn and run, but he noticed a giant claw grab the top of the hill. 

A large muscular-chubby like Newborn pulled itself up. It had giant spikes pultruding out of its back, and long claws coming from large hands. It towered over the rest of the Newborns. It let out a deep roar at Guardian, and raced towards him. Other Newborns that were lanky and had cyborg enhancement's on them appeared from over the horizon. The Helicopter started lifting off the ground, and the Cyborg Newborn looked up at it. A missile launcher on its side adjusted itself to look upwards, and an orange glow appeared out the holes inside of it. It fired out a missile, hitting the Helicopter directly in the side. A large explosion shook the area, and the Helicopter crashed down in a burning flame into the large Satellite coming out of the base. The Satellite collapsed into the burning flames.

Meanwhile, The Berserker Newborn pulled a large chunk of rock out the ground, and tossed it towards the group of Soldiers. Some managed to run in time, but others were hit with the rocks, causing their bodies to end up heavily damaged, and for them to fall over and go limp, and fall into bloody chunks. More Newborns started moving over the hill, immediately going towards the survivors. The Berserker looked back at Guardian. He revved up his chainsaw. "You're lucky I'm almost out of fuel.." It swiped at him, but he ducked and sliced into its stomach. It growled in pain and picked Guardian up. He squirmed, trying to move. It moved its arm back, and aimed him at the group. "Someone help!-" Anne looked over, and shot at the Berserker's arm, causing it to drop Guardian. "Get over here!" He nodded and started running towards them. Anne finally pulled the last lever, and the door started to open.

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