Stay And Fight.

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Guardian kept hitting Apollo with it, over and over. Apollo swiped the blade, cutting Guardian's arm. He jumped back, wincing in pain. He held his bleeding wound, and frowned. "I'm stopping this, now.." He turned his chainsaw around, revved it, and charged towards Apollo. Apollo swung his hand, but Guardian sliced in that direction, completely cutting his hand off. Apollo screeched in pain, as Guardian stabbed the chainsaw right above the blade on his other arm, tearing it off. Blood sprayed out the missing limbs, Apollo shaking and letting out constant angry growls. Apollo opened his mouth, and let out a deep distorted voice, "Your world.. Turned to ash." Guardian approached him, unphased. He lifted his chainsaw and spoke, "Farewell, Apollo. You and your new order." He swiped the chainsaw, slicing Apollo's head off. Guardian huffed, and dropped the bloody chainsaw. He walked towards Anne. She looked back and gasped. "Guardian, your arm!" He nodded. "I know.. We'll bandage it later, for now, we have to get it running." She nodded. "It's almost complete.. 98% percent. After that, I'm putting it into an auto creation setting." Guardian nodded, and looked back. "This- It's all.. Finally over." Phil gulped, "Without our friends though.. Is it- Really worth it?" Anne nodded. "We'll make it worth it, for them." 

The machine beeped, it was at 100%. Anne input the command, and the machine started wiring. The sound of cracking was heard, and they looked behind them. Apollo's infection, it was gone. His smile was no longer there, his eyes were no longer pitch black. "What the?.." Guardian paused, "I'll be right back." Guardian raced upstairs, and found the fire had been put out by the buildings sprinkler system. He stepped inside the once burning room, and saw Eve's corpse, back to normal, still dead. Anne and Phil soon followed from behind. "The infection.. It was- Almost like a patient zero inside the machine?.. Everyone is back to normal." Guardian looked around, "I don't- I don't understand." Anne thought, "I know now. The machine WAS patient zero. The screens.. That's the only way. The screens-" Guardian finished her sentence, "Our screens are connected to the machine. That's where the infection truly started spreading.." Phil looked at Anne, "So we- Created a vaccine almost?.." Anne shrugged, "Maybe. No wonder the infection became so dangerous. It could transmit the disease and rewrite the DNA of Teletubbies with ease. Good thing we got to it before it took us.." 

They all walked back to the machine, and saw some Teletubbies in pods. Guardian smiled softly, "Are there more pods in the facility?" Anne nodded. "The machine is hooked to hundreds of them inside of here, we just need to keep it on and.. Everything is back to normal." Guardian examined the Teletubbies. There was no sign of infection.. A dark blue one opened its eyes, and looked around confused. Guardian opened the pod, "Hello, sir. Welcome.. To the world. You're a Teletubby, and we'll be glad to enter you into society." The Teletubby smiled at Guardian, and Anne and Phil started greeting others. Taking them out the pods so others could start being created. Footsteps were heard coming down from the stairs.. Teletubbies in military outfits walked down. Anne smiled and ran to a Teletubby with black fur, "Dutch!" Dutch hugged her. "Hey, Anne.. We finally followed your guys trail and-" Dutch looked around. "The Teletubbies you-" Anne nodded. "We're starting over again.. How many more are alive?" Dutch examined the new Teletubbies, and Guardian. "The Newborn invasion took out two thirds of our army, but enough are alive.. You know this is gonna take months, right?" Anne nodded. "It'll be worth it in the end. Is Connors-" Dutch nodded. "I sent him and a team out to search for survivors. So far, we've recovered about 15 survivors. Cities far from here were effected, but more and more survivors are popping up as we get farther out."

Guardian walked up to Dutch, "Hello, sir.. Your name is?" Dutch held his hand out, "Dutch. Yours?" Guardian shook his hand, "My name is- Just Guardian.." Dutch gasped, "Your arm. Come on, we'll get you guys bandaged up. Team, stay with the others down here." A small group went back up, leading them outside of the sewers. Dutch took med kits out a landed helicopter, and started patching everyone up. "We'll call in supplies for refugee camps here. We got some set up in other cities." A soldier approached Dutch. "Sir! We found some more survivors! They're in comas however.." Guardian looked back to see three stretchers. There on the stretchers, laid a purple Teletubby, Green one, and a Red one. Guardian smiled, and approached them. "Hello Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Po.."

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