The Ambush.

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All of them quickly turned their heads to the door after a few minutes of silence, as they heard footsteps. "That must be Apollo." Phil got up, but Miles held his hand out. "Hold on.. Nobody passed by the window." Miles opened the door and looked around, there was nobody.. "Apollo?" No response. He still heard the footsteps however.. "Apollo!-" his voice echoed throughout the halls. Anne got behind him, and Guardian gripped his chainsaw. "Miles, I don't like this.." Miles stepped out.. "Hey, there he is!" He pointed at a silhouette in the distance. Guardian squinted and stared at it.. He recognized it. He became dizzy for a second, and he could swear the figure had a big toothy glowing grin, but he blinked, and he quickly noticed, the silhouette had no arms. "Newborn.."

A loud screeching cry came from the corridors, and the Newborn ran towards them. "Guys get ready! You three stay inside!" Miles, Guardian, and Anne walked out, their weapons ready. Phil and Butters ran to the window and peaked out. They quickly noticed more Newborns were walking out from the corners. "This place isn't safe.. It's getting overrun!" Miles and Anne started shooting at the newborns, and they started dropping. Guardian looked at them both, "Get Phil, Kone, and Butters out of here.. I have to grab our equipment." They all nodded and Guardian ran towards the newborn crowd, He shoved them making sure he wasn't hit. He grabbed a duffel bag they had found, and started shoving the equipment they needed inside. A Newborn leaped at him, and slashed his Chainsaw with it. He picked the bag up, put it around his shoulder, and ran towards the Newborn crowd. He started slicing them with his chainsaw, clearing a path for the group. Finally, they had gotten them all, and Guardian pointed towards the exit. "Go!-" They started to run, but out of the corridors appeared machines that had gears all over them, and giant red eyes. Their arms were blades. Guardian backed up, "Unit Droids.." 

Anne and Miles started firing again, as Guardian ran towards them. He began hitting them with his chainsaw, easily dodging their blades. Anne and Miles both shot the others through the heads, killing it instantly. "Just go!-" Miles held onto Kone tightly, and started running again, the others following. The Unit droid swiped its blade, causing Guardian to stumble back. It started spinning, walking towards him slowly. He panicked and swiped his chainsaw, hoping he'd hit it. He got it in the side, causing it to stop. It turned its blade to its side, and knocked Guardian in the head, causing him to stumble against the wall. It tried to slice him with its claw, but he lifted his chainsaw, revved it up, and started blocking and holding the blade back. It swiped its other one, but Guardian ducked, causing the Unit to get confused and tangle itself a little. He slammed his chainsaw into its side, slicing it in half.

Guardian looked into the distance at the open door. He could see the others outside, Anne and Miles protecting the three as Butters was carrying Kone now, while Phil stayed back. Guardian started rushing towards them, but as he was running, he heard a voice echo out. "Reactivating offense protocols." He heard the sound of metal gears revving, and the sound of sparks. He turned back, staring into the hallway for a minute, until he saw it. The damaged Announcer mech walking towards him, with an ominous glowing red light shining out of where its Speaker cover once was on its pipe head. "Target spotted." Announcer started running towards Guardian. He looked back, and shouted. "Run!- Announcer's back!" He started rushing outside, while the giant mech stomped behind him.

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