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Tinky Winky was on the ground, still breathing, but had burn marks all over its back. "This is our chance! Run to the house!-" They all started running, as they heard Tinky Winky roar behind them. Lightning struck down, and Guardian looked back, to see Tinky Winky getting up. After what felt like forever, they stopped to see Phil on the ground. "Phil?.." Phil weakly coughed and pointed towards the house, "Apollo.. H-He.. Attacked me.." Guardian looked to the house's direction, and a bright orange light was coming from its direction. "No no no.." Guardian was running towards its direction. Miles reached out, "Guardian!" Finally, he got to the house, and Apollo was standing in front of the burning Tubby dome, laughing quietly. He looked back, "See? This is what it feels like! How I felt for years! A burning hatred." The door was open, and Guardian could see Kone holding the arm of a bloody beat up Butters, and the flames were surrounding them. Finally, Kone and Butters fur set on fire. Kone didn't make a noise, but just let the flame consume them. Purple fog started appearing around them both. 

Apollo held a syringe filled with custard, and pointed at Butters. "He doesn't seem that allergic if he can take it straight into the veins!" Guardian ran to to get them out, but a burst of flame exploded out of the house and both Apollo and Guardian fell back. Anne and Miles arrived, but out the flames a large tall Teletubby appeared. Two of them, fused together. Kone had a sadistic grin on its face, its lips burned and a strand of melted skin sticking it together. Their fur and skin was almost melted, wires stuck to them from the top of the Tubbydome's panels collapsing. Their claws were long, eyes empty, and Kone's hat infused into his skin, covering his upper head. Behind them swung out a tail, with a large melted hand at the end. "H-How could you do this?! Those were my friends?" Apollo grinned, "And you trapped innocent Teletubbies and thought nothing of it. My sister! And now Eve's dead too.. Oh but not for long." 

The Charred Teletubby was twitching, and finally it looked up at Guardian, and took a step forward. "Kone! Butters- It's us! Please!" Anne was trying to plead with them, but the two Teletubbies were consumed by hatred and agony. CharredTubby swiped its arm, and hit Guardian. He had a scratched mark on his cheek, and he fell back. It roared and leaped at Anne, grabbed her by the throat. It started strangling her, letting out low confused laughter, the voices of the two Teletubbies overlapping each other. Miles pushed CharredTubby, and it held onto Anne. It threw her down onto the ground, growling. Phil appeared and gasped. "K-Kone? Butters?.." It looked to Phil slowly, and started running to him. Phil backed up, tears starting to swell up in his eyes. The raining slowed down, and clouds started slowly parting, the orange sun shining down onto the land. Guardian coughed and looked up.. "T-The Windmill.. We have to-" He realized he was looking at the direction the Windmill was. "Where is it?!-" Apollo chuckled, "Gone!" Newborns started walking up from the hills. Hundreds of them. Guardian turned back, grabbed his chainsaw, and hit CharredTubby. It roared and tried to grab at him again, but he ran into it, grabbing its sides and pushing it down. He backed up and helped Anne up. "We have to go!-" 

They soon began to run towards the mountain. Guardian looked back at Apollo, and he was gone. So was CharredTubby. Miles was holding a limping Phil. Guardian frowned, "I made up my mind. We're stopping this once and for all! We're gonna destroy the Teletubby creation machine." As he was running, his vision became blurry, and he saw a dark shadow figure approaching him, laughing. His environment was twisting, and changing to a dark room with a checkered floor. It opened its jaws, and leaped towards Guardian.

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