The Horrible Truth.

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Apollo laughed weakly. "W-Well! On my way now! I have to become just like her, and fuse myself with the Teletubby creation machine." Apollo started to leave, and everyone ran towards him. "No!-" Eve jumped in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. She let out a low growl, and stepped forward to the group. Everyone pulled their weapons out, and Guardian revved his chainsaw. "We don't know how strong she is, So be careful!" They all ran towards her to attack. Phil swiped his blade, but Eve grabbed him, and slammed him against the wall, cracking it. She threw him down. Guardian swiped his chainsaw, but she grabbed his arm and his neck. She lifted him up, and stared at him with her dead eyes. "E-Eve! Please!-" She slammed him against the metal railing, causing him to cough out and lose breath. He collapsed weakly. Miles and Anne were hesitating to shoot at her.. Guardian yelled out, "S-Shoot!" Miles and Anne closed their eyes, and started shooting. The bullets, were not phasing her.

She kept walking towards them, her fur slowly becoming stained with blood. She punched Anne in the gut, and threw her down. Miles swung his gun as a blunt object, but she grabbed his weapon, and snapped it in half. He grabbed his chainsaw Guardian gave him from Dipsy, and started swinging it at her. He was hitting her, but barely piercing her skin. She growled again and swiped her claws. She hit his arm, and left a deep bloody cut. He yelled out in pain and backed up. She swiped again, hitting his hand and causing him to drop his chainsaw. She pushed Miles down, and stomped on his chest. Guardian reached out, "Miles!-" He stood up weakly, and grabbed his chainsaw. He ran towards her, but she swiped her claw back, leaving a cut on Guardians face. He fell back, and tried to get up. She lifted Miles, and stared at him. Everyone yelled his name out, but Guardian was the loudest. "Keep fighting, Miles!" Guardian grabbed his Chainsaw, and tried to swipe it at Eve's legs, but a loud scream stopped him. He looked up, to see Eve's long Berserker like claws stabbing through his chest. She pulled them out, and dropped Miles.

Guardian stared, and felt a blind rage come over him. He grabbed his chainsaw, and stabbed her in the chest. She let out a blood curdling screech, and he threw her and the chainsaw down. She hit the floor, unconscious. Guardian ran towards Miles. Everyone followed. Guardian pressed his hand against the wound. "I can stop it, Miles!- W-We can get you through this!" Miles placed his hand on Guardian's, coughing. He held his hand. "L-Listen, man.. I'm sorry I was a jerk to you at first. You're a great leader.. You rush into the battle first. You're a good soldier.." Anne sighed, tears her in eyes. "Miles don't talk like that.. We're gonna get you out of here!" He shook his head, "Don't. We're so close.. We can't leave yet.. You have to beat Apollo, and save everyone. A cure is impossible at this point, but I hope.. I hope you can save all of them." Miles grip was loosening on Guardian's hand. Guardian looked up at him, tears streaming down his face. "You can hang on, Miles! Please.. We all believe in you!" Miles chuckled, coughing out blood. "I believe in you too. All of you.." His grip loosened, and Miles went limp. Guardian looked down, sobbing quietly. Anne sat there in disbelief, staring at her dead friend. She picked him up, and carried him out of the room. She placed him down on the ground outside the room.. "You'll be safe here. Need you intact for a funeral, R-Right?.." She sighed, and used her arm to wipe her tears.

Guardian stood up, his vision foggy from all the tears. "You're a tough one, Miles.." Guardian had no motivation to continue the journey. But, he knew he had to do it. It was Miles's final wish, and he had to fulfill them. Guardian heard shuffling behind him. He looked back to see purple fog appearing. Eve was standing up, and she ripped the chainsaw out and threw it at Guardian's feet. She was starting to mutate, as spikes like the Berserkers were stabbing out of her body, and she was growing bigger. Guardian picked the chainsaw up, and stared. Guardian huffed, "You. I'm not afraid anymore.." Eve roared, and Guardian revved his chainsaw. It was time to finish this, once and for all.

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