Stay And Fight.

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Guardian coughed, and looked back.. Flames were engulfing the room, but out the flames, the figure of CharredTubby stood in the smoke. He could see red eyes staring back at him. Only difference of it now, was neither creatures had a sadistic grin.. The smoke started clearing, the room only being filled with orange light from the flames. CharredTubby's skin was burnt almost black, its flesh burned and a lot of its skeleton being exposed.  It leaped at Guardian, its charred hands grabbing onto his neck. There was still smoke coming off of its body.. Guardian could barely stand to look at it. It was horrifying. Guardian weakly reached for his chainsaw, and pushed CharredTubby back. He grabbed the Chainsaw, and ran towards CharredTubby, which was also charging at him. He swiped the chainsaw, and sliced its legs off. It fell onto the ground, but started using its arms to crawl forward. Guardian backed up, almost terrified. "W-Why is it so stubborn?! Why won't you just die?!-" 

Guardian stepped back, and smashed the chainsaw down in between the heads of the creature. It let out a disturbing screeching noise, but Guardian kept beating CharredTubby with the chainsaw. Finally, it slowed down, and stopped all together. It's body was a beaten, burned, mutated mess. Guardian was huffing, and looked up. The flames and smoke were still engulfing the room. There he could see Eve staring down. Eve dropped down, fire surrounding her. She stood up clear and tall, Guardian standing Infront of her with his chainsaw. It felt familiar with him. Here he was again, the end of his journey. He stood right here with Po, alone and frustrated. Only this time, he wasn't alone. He wasn't gonna Run away, he was gonna end this himself, and with his friends. Eve shrieked, and swiped her claw at the group. Everyone ducked and moved, except Anne. She backed up, and started firing at Eve's chest and face. Meanwhile, Guardian and Phil swiped their weapons into her legs, in sync. Eve made a low hiss, and jumped back. She ran towards Phil, letting out low groans. Phil looked back at the bag of explosives.. He was only now realizing, flames were closing in on it. He gasped and ran towards it. He grabbed the bag, avoiding Eve at the same time.

Eve shot her in the side of the head, and Guardian slammed his chainsaw into her back. She growled and turned to their directions. She lifted her front legs up, and slammed them down, the force clearing out the smoke around her area. The smoke around her swirled for a second, and vanished. She charged towards Guardian, and started swinging her claws and spike arm, but he kept blocking with his Chainsaw. Her hand had a burn on it from the friction of the chainsaw, causing her hand to bleed a little. She ran towards Anne and grabbed her face, and lifted her, preparing her blade arm. Phil dropped the bag somewhere safe, and quickly rushed to help the group. He stabbed her in the side, pulled the knife out, and plunged it in again, this time twisting the knife. She jerked up and dropped Anne. She swiped her blade arm, hitting Phil with the back part of it. He fell back, a bruise mark on his cheek. She swiped her sharp clawed legs at him, but multiple bullets started hitting her in the back. Anne was shooting at her with an automatic Rifle. Not even seconds after, more bullets started hitting her. Guardian strapped his chainsaw to his back, and was shooting her with a machine pistol. 

The bullets were angering her, causing her to screech into the air, and charge at the closet one, Guardian. He aimed precisely, trying not to panic as she barreled towards him. He shot her directly in both of her eyes, causing her to hiss and walk back, covering her eyes with her hand. He could clearly see the blood streaming down either way. The gun ran out of bullets, and he threw it to the ground. He grabbed his chainsaw and pulled it to his front, the strap still on it. He charged towards her, jumped, and stabbed the Chainsaw into her stomach. She screamed and tried swiping her claw, but he pushed the Chainsaw as deep as he could go, eventually causing the blade to stab out the other side. She coughed out blood, and Guardian pulled the chainsaw upward. He yanked the chainsaw out, and Eve collapsed. The room rumbled, and a chunk of metal collapsed from the ceiling. Guardian looked at Anne and Phil, "We have to go now!- Lead us to the creation machine, Anne!" She nodded and lead the group out the burning room. As they opened the door which Apollo exited out of, smoke poured out of it, and they all coughed. They continued pushing on, and running towards the creation machine's room. Anne opened the door, and they were inside a tunnel with dark brick colored walls.. In the distance, Guardian could see a light flickering. Anne stared, "There it is.. We have to do this for Miles." Phil and Guardian nodded, approaching the creation machine. They were standing on a balcony on top of the control room. They could all see it, the large machine. A bright light in the middle of it blinking, and pods to its side that created Teletubbies. Guardian revved his chainsaw, Phil held his blade, and Anne reloaded her gun. Down on the ground, they could see a figure. Apollo.

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