A Living Hell.

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Out of the foggy forest and trees, Po ran out with her second mutation. The ticking noises were angry and vengeful, like she knew what her fate was. Guardian tried to stand up, but a sharp pain pierced through his upper chest. Po let out an almost distorted scream, and she plunged her blade deeper through his heart. She then moved the other blade into position, and swiped it, completely tearing his waist and legs off. She threw her blade and his body came flying off. He felt his body going numb, but it still a stinging feeling, mixed with the pain of losing his lower half. He was coughing up blood, almost vomiting it. He noticed a shadow figure in the distance, with a large toothy grin staring from behind Po, and also the Satellite disguised as a windmill.. Out the fog appeared the infected Tinky Winky, Headless Dipsy, and the beat up Laa-Laa. He could hear all of them singing, quietly with their distorted and almost unrecognizable voices. They were reciting their names, while the Shadow Teletubby was laughing manically. He could also hear the broken speakers across the island repeating the words, "Time for Teletubbies." Finally, he could hear them all say, "Time for Tubby Bye-Bye!-" His vision completely blurred, and his eyes closed. 

He sat up, almost screaming as he was in a cold sweat. Miles looked to him. "What's wrong with you? Can't wake up? We've been shaking you for an hour now." Anne walked up and kneeled beside him, "Guardian, are you okay?.." He couldn't even speak coherently.. "Don't pity him, Anne. Clearly he lost his mind, let's just get back to work on the Satel-" He paused and stood up. "Guardian! You didn't answer me.." He nodded. "I'm okay, Annie.. But I think I know where to go to get help with this. Over in the Mainland, there's the windmill.. It's actually a satellite, if we get there we can parts of it back here so we can build the new satellite." Miles walked up to him, annoyed. "Seriously?!- Isn't Tinky Winky or whatever still roaming that area?"

Guardian sighed, "Let's hope not.. It's our only hope though." Anne looked at Miles, "Hell, I believe him. He worked with that island for years, I'm sure he'll know his way around it and what to do. We'll come with you, alright?" Miles looked around, frustrated and confused. "Uhm, We?!- No way, Anne!" She looked at him, annoyed. "I'm gonna go get us weapons incase any Newborns are still out there, and we're gonna head to the Mainland." He grumbled and walked to the computer, and slumped down in a chair. Suddenly, all of them turned to the darkness from the corridors. They could hear something walking. Guardian picked up his Chainsaw, Anne aimed her gun, and Miles took his blade out. Miles shouted, "Come out and state yourself!" Out the darkness walked an orange Teletubby with a star Antenna. "Please, I mean no harm.. M-My name is Butters.." They all lowered their weapons and Guardian spoke out, "A survivor?.." 

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