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She swiped her claw, and all of them jumped out the way. Miles shot at her, and she growled. "Her leg.. It's back. I cut it off!" Miles got up, "It must of grown back somehow!" She stomped her claw in Miles direction, but he ran off. Anne shot her from the back, and she turned back letting out a hiss. Smoke started to bellow out her mouth, and she shot out a ball of fire. The ball hit the ground, steam rising from the puddle it hit. Guardian ran up behind her and hit her leg, causing her to back up, trying to stab him with the leg. He started backing away from her. Butters and Phil were staring, confused. Phil turned to Butters, "W-What do we do?.." Butters shook his head, "I don't know!" Guardian finally got out of Po's way, and hit her other leg with his chainsaw. She swiped her leg, hitting Guardian with it. He fell back into a tree and dropped his chainsaw. He coughed, trying to stand. Anne shot at her again, but she lifted her front legs, and slammed them down. Anne fell back, and Po lifted her claw right above Anne's stomach. Phil gripped his knife, and threw his ruined wet box off. He ran towards Po, and stabbed her in the leg. She backed up, making the hissing noise again.

She started to have smoke come from her mouth again, and Phil started running out of the way. Butters ran up to her, and hit the back of her leg, getting the blade stuck in it. She let out a shriek. Butters looked around, "Apollo! Hit the other! ..Apollo?" He was gone. Suddenly, Butters was hit in the back of the head by Po's claw, and he fell. Miles was trying to help Guardian up, "Come on! You have to get up!-" Guardian used his arm to push himself up. He grabbed his chainsaw and held his side. He jumped onto Po's leg, and started trying to climb up it. Finally, he got on top of it, and held on. She shook her leg around, trying to get him off. He held his chainsaw, lifted it, and hit her in the back. She roared and fell forward. Guardian rolled off, getting mud all over his fur. He stood up, the rain washing it off slowly, while thunder was roaring in the back. Po lifted herself, and looked into the air. She roared, like she was calling out to something. 

Out of the back of a tree, a large lanky green creature jumped out. "Dipsy?!-" The Dipsy monster grabbed Guardian by the head, and lifted him up. It opened its jaws with sharp teeth.. Anne shot at its back, causing it to jerk forward and drop Guardian. It shrieked, and its fish like gills on its neck flapped back and forth. It got on all fours, and leaped towards Anne. She grabbed a rock, and smashed it against its head. It rolled on the ground and stood up, revealing the ear where it was hit was bleeding, getting on the entire left side of its body. Guardian finally noticed Butters laying on the ground. "Butters!" He ran towards him and looked at the back of his head. He was bleeding.. "Butters is out cold.. We have to get out of here!" Phil picked up Butters out of Guardian's hand. "I-I'll do it.." Guardian gasped, "Your box.." Phil nodded. "I know..-" Phil picked up the giant Newborn blade Butters dropped. Guardian pointed at the direction of the house, "Go straight that way! You'll find the house! Once you get inside, pull the lever on the side of the door and lock yourself in until we get there!" Phil nodded, and started running into the darkness with Butters.

Guardian stood up, and Miles stood to his left, and Anne to his right. "Look's like we got more company.." Po stood Infront of Miles, Dipsy on Anne's side, and a giant purple figure came out of the dark, growling. "It's Tinky Winky.." The three infected monsters roared, and raced towards them. Miles started shooting at whatever weak spot he could find, and Miles did the same. Guardian ran straight towards Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky slammed his fists down, and Guardian moved. He hit the back of Tinky Winky's arm, causing the monster to let out a loud gorilla like roar. It swiped its hand, grabbing Guardian and lifting him. He struggled out of its grasp, but something hit the back of his head, and he looked back. Anne was holding the clip to a Grenade. "Enjoy the light show!" Guardian broke out of his grasp, and ran towards Anne and Miles, who were backing up. The grenade exploded, causing all three monsters to fall back. Dipsy was the first to get up. He ran towards Guardian, and he swiped his chainsaw, hitting Dipsy in the face. "You're not Dipsy.. You're just some darkness Noo-Noo created, and I want you to give the body back!" He hit Dipsy again, and kicked the creature. Po jumped at Anne, and she shot directly into Po's eye. She screamed and backed up, blood pouring down her face. 

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