Stay And Fight.

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Guardian gripped his chainsaw, and yelled out. "Apollo!- It ends here! You can surrender to us now, or make us use force." There was no response. Anne turned to the stairs, "Fine. Have it your way." They all walked down to the stairs, but paused. "Apollo?.." They realized he was slightly twitching.. Apollo shot around, with a dead cold stare. He had a large grin, empty hollow eyes, sharp claws, patches of metal replacing his fur, along with the entire bottom half of his right leg being mechanical. He had pipe like wires going across multiple places on his body. A sound of revving was heard, and his right arm, which was a runner newborn blade, was spinning. Guardian got his chainsaw ready, "He's smaller then Eve! We should be able to finish him off quickly!" He let out a screech, and charged towards the group. He swung at Guardian, and he used his chainsaw to block. Somehow, Apollo overpowered Guardian, and swiped his blade. He lost grip of his chainsaw, and it flew off towards the wall. He grabbed Guardian's face, and slammed him down into the ground. Eve ran towards him with her hatchet, but he turned and grabbed it from her grip.

He swiped it at her, almost hitting her directly in the chest. She grabbed Apollo's wrist, and and yanked it, causing him to drop the hatchet. She pointed her gun directly into his chest, and fired. Blood exploded out the wound, but he backed up, ignoring the blood pouring down from the hole in his chest. Phil was too shocked to do anything, "W-What happened to him?!-" Guardian picked his chainsaw up, and watched Apollo. "I don't know.. He wasn't lying though, he did use the creation machine to upgrade himself." Guardian charged towards Apollo and hit him in the back. He turned and punched Guardian, causing him to lose balance for a second. He plunged the chainsaw forward, but Apollo used his blade arm as a shield. He slashed at Guardian, causing him to fall back. Apollo grabbed Guardian's shoulder, and got his bladed arm ready to stab him. Guardian inhaled, and punched into Apollo's TV screen. He walked back, shards of it falling off. Apollo revved the blade again, electricity surging across it, and a faint yellow glow appear out his eyes. Guardian looked at Anne and Phil, "You two! Go figure out this machine! I'll hold him off." They nodded and ran to the control panel. Apollo speeded towards Guardian, his blade spinning. 

Apollo kept swiping the blade at a quick rate. Guardian could barely keep up, having to use a mixture of dodging and blocking. Guardian plunged his chainsaw into the left half of Apollo's chest, and pushed him back with all of his force. Guardian pulled his gun out, and grabbed Anne's hatchet off the floor. Apollo grabbed the chainsaw, and pulled it out of his chest. He held it with his left hand, ready to use it as a weapon. Both of them stared at each other for a moment, and Guardian could see it. The shadowy figure standing behind Apollo, only now it had a glowing purple smoke that moved slowly off its body like mist. It grinned at Guardian, acknowledging him directly for this first time. Guardian knew he had to finish this alone. His journey, everything was leading up to this. Back when his life on the mainland, it was no more. He couldn't save them then, but he could save them now, by finishing it in their memory, and not for the monsters they were now. The shadowy figure almost absorbed into Apollo, the vision vanishing. Guardian and Apollo ran towards each other, ready to finish each other off. Only difference is, Apollo was fighting as a way of vengeance, in his own twisted mind of what he believed what was right. But he was innocent in a way, suffering the loss of a sibling twice, and the loss of a lover. Apollo was broken, but Guardian wasn't. He didn't let the hate consume him, he was using hope and avenging the people who had fallen to the virus by his hands. 

Guardian swiped the hatchet, hitting Apollo in the face, causing him to back up. A giant gash in his cheek, bleeding all over his neck. He swiped Guardian's chainsaw and his blade, desperate to hit him. Guardian spun the hatchet in his hand, and hit Apollo right in the middle of his chest. He hissed and dropped the chainsaw. Guardian grabbed it by the blade part, being sure not to grab the sharp parts, and swung it, hitting Apollo with the handle part. He kept doing this, using it as a blunt weapon now. Anne pulled her card out the control panel, and looked back at Guardian. "I got into it's system! I just have to hard reset it and do a hardware scan, after that it'll cleanse itself!" Guardian nodded, "Keep working on it. I'm getting the hang of him.." Apollo looked up, his eye bleeding. He stomped one foot down, and jumped towards Guardian, causing both of them to fall against the ground. Guardian was starting to get up, when Apollo jumped on top of him. Apollo punched him, and started trying to strangle him. Guardian held both his arms back, struggling to overpower him. Guardian lifted his leg up, pressed his foot against Apollo, and kicked him back. Apollo hissed and revved his blade again. 

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