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As they entered the sewer, they made sure they were quiet when landing on the ground. Miles whispered, "Be prepared.. Anything could be down here." As they were walking, they heard footsteps ahead, splashing around in the water. They peaked around the corner, and saw a green headless Teletubby carrying around a Chainsaw.. Guardian tilted his head, "Dipsy?.. But- How- That's not the one we saw in the mainland." Miles shrugged, "Were there two Dipsy's?" Guardian paused, "Dipsy was decapated.. That's the one we saw dead, not the one in mainland. His head must of mutated into another creature.." Anne had a face of disgust, "Ew..-" Guardian sighed, "I know. Be careful, Dipsy's pretty aggresive with that chainsaw."  Guardian noticed burns and new wounds all over Dipsy. He was slowly moving through the water, almost limping while sun shined in from a grate behind him. It turned its body back, and started leaving that way. Miles did a move motion, and everyone started moving quietly throughout the sewers, staying on the walkway.

The ambience of the wind outside, dripping water, and moving water was the only thing echoing throughout the sewers, along with the noise of a rat scurrying across. Miles whispered, "I think we're getting cl-" He froze, and did a move back motion and everyone hid the best they could. Dipsy was walking down the row they were in, letting the chainsaw hang down by his side. Guardian watched him move across slowly, examining him to make sure to stay out of his sight incase he moved suddenly. Out of nowhere, a thud was heard from their direction. Phil had fell after leaning out from a pillar.. Dipsy turned to the direction, and revved the chainsaw. Miles paused, "How does it even hear us or see us?!" Guardian shook his head, "I don't know, but we should start moving!" They started running out from the pillars, and reaching for their guns. Anne shouted out, "Don't waste any bullets! We can take him out with out melee weapons!" Anne pulled her hatchet out, Guardian grabbed his chainsaw, Phill took his knife out, and Miles sighed, "I don't have one!" Guardian chucked, "Then I'll steal a chainsaw from Dipsy again and give it to you!" 

Anne ran up behind Dipsy and hit him with the hatchet in the arm, he swung back, swinging the chainsaw. She backed up, Dipsy's chainsaw barely brushing against her fur. He kept swinging in that direction, till Phil stabbed him in the back, struggling to pull the knife out. Dipsy swatted his hand back, hitting Phil in the face. He backed up, confused by what had happened so fast. Dipsy reached back, pulling the knife out of his back. He threw at Phil's direction, and he ducked, the knife falling into the water. Phil searched the water, and finally pulled the knife out. However, Dipsy tried to surprise Phil with an attack, but Guardian blocked it with his chainsaw. Both of them started pushing, trying to beat the other with strength. The chainsaws were creating sparks, flying off the colliding metal. Guardian pushed Dipsy back, his limp causing him to stumble.

Suddenly he jerked forward, as Anne plunged her hatchet into his back. She yanked it out and the creature stomped its foot and looked back, gripping harder onto the chainsaw in frustration. Guardian pushed Dipsy down, and slashed his chainsaw, hitting him in the stomach. Dipsy had no reaction, put pushed up, blood dripping down into the water. Phil quickly ran passed Dipsy, and sliced his leg. Dipsy jumped and held his bleeding wound, when both Guardian and Anne attacked at once. Anne slammed her hatchet into the area where his head should be, and Guardian plunged the chainsaw into his stomach, revving it up constantly. Blood was covering the chainsaw. Guardian yanked it out, and Anne left her hatchet where it was. Dipsy stumbled around, dropped the chainsaw, and collapsed into the water. Misty blood coloring the water around him red. Guardian huffed, "I still feel bad for doing this to them.." Anne pulled her hatchet out, "It has to be done." Miles reached down and grabbed Dipsy's new chainsaw. "Sorry, Pal. Sure you were a great guy, which is why you won't mind me taking this.." They continued on into the sewers, until they came across a metal door with words written on it, "Military Personals Only." Miles pulled a card out, swiped it in the keypad next to it, and the door opened. "Everyone ready?" They all nodded. They all stepped into the facility, prepared to take on whatever was inside.

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