Chapter 6: Megalomaniac.

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Guardian laid on the ground, his vision still blurry. He sat up, realizing he was still in Mainland.. But something felt off. Everyone was gone, and the house was still burning. He impulsively walked towards it, not questioning it. As he walked to it, he noticed where Kone was standing before, there was now the shadowy figure. It just stared at him, with no life in its toothy bloody grin. It vanished into a ball of flames, and tubby dome rumbled. Guardian then felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He fell down to his knees and held his stomach. He coughed out a pinkish purple liquid. "C-Custard?.." He felt a sudden sharp pain surging throughout his entire body. For some odd reason, he could feel his emotions going numb. He wasn't feeling the pain anymore, nor was he scared. He felt nothing, but a small frustration. He stood up, blood dripping down from his eyes. Guardian looked behind him, the area suddenly having scattered bodies of mutilated Newborns around. 

He could vaguely see a figure that looked like Miles. He leaped towards the figure, and started strangling it. He didn't even realize he still had his chainsaw, but he plunged it into the figures stomach, and pull it out. Blood oozed from the wound, and he dropped the figure. He then turned to one that looked like Anne, and started walking towards it. He swiped his chainsaw, completely slicing her body in half horizontally, he pushed her down, and looked to a figure that had a box over its head. He punched its stomach, and started digging his hands into it. He ripped out flesh and organs, and let the figure fall to the floor. He could feel his body twitching, a satisfying anger becoming more apparent. He felt something moving around in his own skin on his back. His skin ripped open on two places on his back, and out grew another version of Guardian's upper half body, only it had no hat, a sadistic grin, and red eyes. Out another grew, this one had a hat, and a giant toothy opened jaw, while a scorpion like tail came out the top of his back as well. He let out a loud shriek, and blood covered his entire body.

Guardian shot up, breaking out of Anne's hold on him. "Guardian!-" He looked back to Anne, scared. "G-Get away from me!" Anne walked up to him, her hand out. "Guardian what's wrong?.." He gulped, feeling a cold sweat take over his body. "S-Something attacked me.. It knocked me out, made me dream, I hurt all of you.. I don't feel safe anymore." Miles paused, still helping Phil walk. Anne froze as well, "What attacked you?.." Guardian stuttered, "A tall shadowy Teletubby, with a large glowing white grin.. I see it everytime something bad is about to happen, as a figure, as a silhouette, i mist, in flames.. It's always there." Anne walked up to Guardian, and put her hand on his shoulder. "That sounds pretty serious, but I don't believe you're dangerous. You've been through alot, you're just hallucinating from the stress and anxiety.. You'll be okay." Guardian calmed down, feeling his breathing and heartbeat go back to normal. Miles sighed and nodded, "What she said, Guardian. Now let's keep moving, we're about to enter the city." 

They kept walking, and Guardian finally took notice of where he was. He was on a road, surrounded by grassy hills. The rain had finally cleared up, and it was early in the day, as the orange sun was still out. Guardian looked at Anne, "I've never been to the city.. What's it like?" Anne thought for a second, "Well, It's busy, that's for sure. Alot of good food, people can be rude sometimes, but you'll often see happy families walking around and visiting interesting places. However I.. doubt any of that is there anymore." Guardian looked in the distance at the city, and there he could see it. Large buildings, with smoke rising from the top of them. "We need to get supplies in here." Miles nodded, "I agree. I know a good place to do that too.. There's a gun shop. We just need to basically loot it.." Phil looked to Miles, "Th-That's legal?.." Miles shrugged, "Well it's the apocalypse, You'd assume what we're doing is justified." Phil didn't answer and just looked down. 

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