A Living Hell.

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Tinky Winky let out a blood curdling scream, and started running towards Guardian. He gasped and started running into the forest. He could hear Tinky Winky following not far behind, getting closer as the scream got louder. He felt something dig into his shoulder, and he was spun around to see Tinky Winky's distorted face, with black hollow eyes. He slashed his claw, cutting into Guardian's chest. He coughed and fell back in pain. Tinky Winky got on top of him, and started strangling Guardian. He struggled and squirmed, grabbing his arms and trying to pull them away. He weakly lifted his leg up, and kicked into Tinky Winky's stomach, pushing it back. He stood up holding his neck, and gasping for air. Tinky Winky got back up, and leaped towards Guardian. He turned and kept running. He could hear Tinky Winky tumble against the ground, and get back up again.

He kept running around trees, and noticed a speaker poking through the ground. He tried to ignore it, and kept running. He blinked for a second, and ran into a tree. He fell back, holding his head. He looked up to see Tinky Winky. He tried to grab at Guardian, but he jumped out the way. Tinky turned to him, somehow staring through him with the empty eyes. It screamed again, and ran towards him full speed. He grabbed a rock and threw it at Tinky's head, causing it to stop and back up, holding its face. A sudden boom of Lightning appeared, brightening the area for a few seconds. While this happened, Guardian took quick notice of Po dangling from the tree's branch. He looked back down, but Tinky Winky was gone. He heard a snap, and Po's body fell to the ground, blood still dripping from its wounds. He stood up, as only now was he realizing how hard the rain started to fall throughout the mainland. 

He huffed and checked the area again for Tinky Winky, only to notice he's still gone. He noticed a Night Vision camera sitting next to the tree. He picked it up, turned it on, and looked through it. He could see a lot clearer through the fog now. He turned back, to check one last time to be sure. However, there was no Tinky Winky, and no Po. He gulped, looking at the rope laying across the ground. He could hear quiet ticking in the distance. "I can't stay here for long.." He started running into the forest, trying to avoid any noise he heard that wasn't his own. "What am I doing back here?.. Where do I even do?" He stopped, seeing a custard in front of him. He picked it up, and it vanished into mist in his hand. "The custards.." He put his camera up, and started searching across the island for them. "I know where a few are.. There's one near the lake." 

He started making his way to the lake, realizing he hadn't heard anything in awhile. He heard a branch snap, but couldn't tell where it came from.. In fact, He heard it come from all directions. He heard the ticking again.. He slowly started to panic, not knowing which way to run. Suddenly, he was hit with a sudden rush of dizziness and pain. He collapsed down, and noticed an empty custard bowl. "What the?.." He then noticed his hands were full of custard. He coughed some out, and realized what was happening. He heard the ticking start to get louder, and louder.

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