Chapter 5: Omega.

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Guardian stood climbed up from the Mountain, and looked over the Mainland. The rain was getting heavier again, and it had turned into a full Thunderstorm. Miles pointed, "Look.. There's giant puddles all over. This place must be flooding.." Guardian sighed, "That can't stop us. We gotta get the parts-" Anne turned to him, "But wait.. We can't go back to the station. More newborns will keep coming and coming- We have to do it here.." Miles shook his head, "We can go back. We just have to find the Teletubby creation machine and turn it off." Guardian sighed, "We still need those parts then. Even if we couldn't come go back there, the Windmill can't produce a signal that far. That's why we need to take what we can.. The windmill is near the house." Anne looked at them, "Stop.. We have to get ready. Your chainsaw doesn't have any fuel.." 

Guardian sighed, "We don't have any though.. Wait! The Teletubbies house has a heating system that runs on gasoline.. I'll just have to use this as a blunt weapon incase. What about the others?" Anne took out a knife, and handed it to Phil. "Phil, Your box is getting ruined.. It's better if you just take it off." Phil shook his head, "I don't want to.." Anne sighed, "Whatever.. What about Butters and Apollo?" Miles pointed, Actually, I have an idea." They spotted a small group of Newborns wandering around. "There's two of those runner ones, we take the blades off of them and we got weapons." Miles pulled his sniper out, aimed, and started shooting the Newborns in the head. After that was done, they all moved down. "Let's hope this is the last we see of these things." Miles grabbed the blade of one, put his foot on its chest, and started pulling. Finally it came off, and he handed it to Apollo. "Really?.. This thing's huge." Miles pulled another off, and handed it to Butters. "That's good. If it what Guardian said is true, we're gonna need big weapons." Butters examined them, "Hey, the blades on these can spin.." Miles looked back, "Really? Huh.. Guess we never ran into them using them then." 

Guardian took his chainsaw, and held it like he would a blunt weapon. "Wish I had my night vision camera, I lost it back in the cave.." They started moving deeper into the forest, moving slowly through the puddles of water. "How big is this place?.." Guardian looked around, "Pretty huge. I mean, it had to be big enough to convince four Teletubbies that they aren't enclosed away from society." Apollo side eyed Guardian, Guardian looked back. "I said I'm sorry, Apollo.. There wasn't any other way. You know that." Apollo looked away, and kept walking. Guardian grumbled and looked ahead again.. Lightning flashed in the clouds, lighting up the entire Mainland with a bright light. "It's getting really bad out here.. We can barely see ahead. We need to be really careful.." Anne had whispered to Guardian. Guardian nodded, and kept walking. Butters sighed, "I miss Kone.. Even if he would of gotten all wet in this rain.. I genuinely thought he hadn't eaten any Custard.." Miles sighed, "People don't really talk about their appetites, so I guess that makes sense as to why.." 

A branch snapped behind them, and they all looked back. Miles leaned towards Guardian, "Tinky Winky?.." He shook his head. "We would of heard some sort of stomping I'm sure.. Could of been an animal, they're all over the mainland." For awhile they kept walking, until eventually they made it to a large tree, with a rope dangling down from it. Guardian sighed, "This is where Tinky Winky hung Po.." They heard another branch snap, and they all paused. Miles looked around, "We're definitely being followed.. Get yourselves ready." Suddenly, the sound of walking was heard. "That's two pairs.. There's something else here." Guardian listened, and paused. "Oh no.." Out the fog, red eyes appeared, and giant spider legs walked out. "It's po.." Miles aimed, "How is she alive?! You said you killed her! Did she come back to life?" Guardian shook his head, "Or maybe she never died at all.." Po roared, and ran towards the group.

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