The Ambush.

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Finally, Guardian got out and noticed Miles and Anne were pointing their guns into the station. Announcer then crawled out, and stepped into the moon light. "We should really attack this thing!" Miles and Anne started firing at it, and the bullets dented and scratched the skin. Announcer was focused on Guardian however. It swiped its saw blade, and Guardian ducked, going for its exposed metal leg exo-skeleton, and started pushing the chainsaw into it. The Announcer let out a metallic static noise, and it kicked Guardian in the stomach, causing him to roll back. It looked towards the other five, and started running towards them. Miles and Anne kept firing, but were realizing the weapons were doing nothing. Announcer slammed its saw blade down between them all, but quickly they all ran or leaped out of the way, causing its blade to slice through the ground. It yanked it out, and looked at Anne who was struggling to grab her gun. It lifted its leg to stomp at her, but a rock hit its head. It looked back, and saw Phil holding rocks. "G-Get away from them!" 

It started walking towards them, intimidating both Butters and Phil. It swiped its blade at Phil, but he ran. The saw ended up hitting the box over his head, causing it to fall off. He went into an immediate panic, hiding his face and searching for it. Announcer stood behind Phil, ready to kill him. But Miles shot at its head, leaving holes in it. It looked towards him again, and started approaching. "Hey, Hot head!" Announcer turned to Anne, who was holding a rocket launcher laying on the ground. "Eat this!-" She shot the missile towards its pelvis, exploding and causing its upper half of its body to collapse on the ground. It used its one hand to push itself up. It started crawling towards Anne, while its lower half was destroyed on the ground. Suddenly, a chainsaw ripped through the bottom of its pipe head, slicing the metal off. The mech went limp, and the speaker head hit the ground. "Guardian?.."

Instead, Guardian was just now getting up. "Apollo?.." He was standing on top of it, huffing. He noticed the blood on the chainsaw and threw it. "I- Uhm- That- Blood- I just- I found it like that-" Anne huffed and stood up. "Saved my ass, Thank you.. Your friends told me about you. How did- You know we were here? Were you who opened the door for us?" Apollo paused.. "Uhm- Yes.. I saw- Newborns inside and I panicked, so I rushed out. I'm sorry for being a coward.." Anne smiled, "It's alright.." Guardian picked his chainsaw up. "Apollo, I'm sorry for Laa-Laa.." He looked at him, but didn't answer. Miles looked around. He noticed a swarm of Newborns walking from above the mountain that was on top of the station. "We can't stay here.. We have to go." Everyone stood up, running, ignoring the ruins, but Guardian noticed Laa-Laa wasn't there.. He shook it off, and they ran into the mountains, avoiding the Newborns.

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