Chapter 3: The Ambush.

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Anne started to walk up to Butters, "What're you doing here? I thought Guardian said everyone inside here died?" She looked back to him, confused. "I did.. When I came here first there was nobody but corpses, and Dipsy." Butters gulped, "So I was right.. It was one of the Teletubbies from the mainland that attacked us. Is it gone?" Guardian nodded. "He's- It's dead. Are you okay though? When was the last time you've eaten a custard?" Butters was clearly getting overwhelmed from all the questions, but pushed himself to speak anyways. "Well uhm- I'm.. Allergic to Custard." Miles blinked. "That's possible?" Anne nodded. "My sister is too.." Butters looked back into the hallway, "Please.. I need your help though. My friends.. They got hurt from Dipsy. Of course we all escaped.." The three looked at each other, and Miles walked to Guardian, grabbed his arm, and turned him around and spoke to him, whispering. 

"We seriously gonna trust this guy? How do we even know he isn't punking us?" Guardian looked back for a second, "Well, I believe him.. He's allergic, no way he's had it.. His friends on the other hand, I don't know. Ask him about them first.." Miles got up, and turned to Butters again. "Your friends. Have they had any?" Butters shook his head, "We aren't allowed to eat here. To do that we gotta take the bus over the hills for lunch.. That's uhm- Besides the point.. But, they haven't. None of us really like custard.. Why?" Miles started to talk, but Guardian started explaining faster. "The custards were infected. If you've stored any for food, I recommend throwing them out depending on when you got them. If the custards were made or bought more then four to five days ago, you should be alright. Still, throw them out."

Butters nodded, "S-So will you help us?" Miles grumbled and strapped his gun to his back. "I guess we have to.. Let's go." They all began following Butters, going deeper into the Satellite Station. Finally they reached an area none of them recognized. Butters opened the door, and they spotted two other Teletubbies. A dark brown one with a box over his head, who had a couple bruises and cuts on him, and another one with silver fur laying on a table with a traffic cone hat on the side of his bed, however he was knocked out and had bloody bandages all over his head, and some first aid kits next to him. "God.. What happened to him?" Butters pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "Well first, his name is Kone.. But, before this all happened, he got caught in an accident and fell off the railing in the room we were just in, he was rushed in here.. But, that's when that- Headless thing broke in and killed everyone. It found me and Phil who were just investigating the noises, and chased us for awhile before it injured Phil. We got away though.."

Guardian glanced at Phil, and he looked back. But he jumped a little, making a weird squeak noise and went back to staring at the wall. Miles mumbled, "Weirdo.." Guardian looked at Miles with a look of disapproval. "Oh whatever..-" Guardian huffed. Anne was began to check out Phil's wounds, ignoring his shaky arm. "Well, We can help. We're gathering supplies so we can repair the satellite station, and so we can call the military for extra back up, and then we can get out of here!" Butters smiled, "That would be swell.." Phil muttered quietly, "We're out of bandages too.. Used them all on Kone." Anne let go of Phil's arm. "Oh it's alright.. Sure there are some spares around here. Your wounds aren't that bad anyway, you just got a low pain tolerance." Anne walked back and stood next to Miles and Guardian. "Be aware though, this plan is gonna take at least a few hours.. Days even. Just hope your friend is stubborn, cause that's all we can do now." Miles turned and started walking to the door, "Welp, we got some work to do. Come on guys.." Anne shook her head, "I should stay here with them. Incase, yknow.. Plus, we can stay a little longer. Come on! We just met some new friends, Miles!" Miles almost taunted her a little bit by repeating what she said, "We just met some new friends! Whatever.. I'll stay, but only for a little bit. But then I'm taking Guardian with me to the mainland."

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