The Cave's Darkness.

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He began walking into the cave, but he paused, hearing footsteps. He squinted into the darkness, to see a large scrawny figure shaking and walking in front of him. "Laa-Laa?.." The creature froze, looking back. Guardian covered his mouth, making direct eye contact with Laa-Laa, despite the fact she had no eyes. He heard her make a small sniffling, almost like sobbing. She turned around, the sound of her bones cracking echoing through the cave. She kept walking deeper into the cave.. He thought to himself, "I have to be careful and find Kone before Laa-Laa and that- Thing does." He walked quietly and slowly, unsure if Laa-Laa was around the corner. As he peaked behind it, he saw she was gone. He looked down at the ground to see little pieces of his bandages on the ground. "Maybe this will lead me to him.." He started following the bandages, descending into the cave deeper, and deeper. 

The water was completely submerging his feet now, and he could hear the rain and thunder getting farther away, and quieter. "I hope the others wake up soon and come looking.. I don't wanna do this alone, not again.." He realized more and more bandages were appearing in the water, floating across the cave. "He must of taken it off entirely." Finally he came across a figure in the distance, and he squinted. "That must be him!- Kone!" The figure stayed idle. He ran towards him, and stood behind him. "Come on, man. Let's get out of here, it isn't safe." Kone shot around to him, letting out a weak shriek. He brought his arm up, and swung a pipe he got from the bag at Guardian. He jumped back, tripping into the water, getting all wet. He stood up, and started running. He could hear Kone behind him and his footsteps splashing throughout the water.

As he was running, Laa-Laa jumped out from behind a corner. She let out her loud roar that echoed throughout the cave. She swung her arms at him, and he ducked, pushing passed her and running. He looked back to see both Kone and Laa-Laa chasing him, but he noticed Laa-Laa slowing down, like she wanted to stop running but she kept being pushed. Guardian ran into a dead end. He looked back and saw Kone appear, holding both a pipe and a wrench. He started walking to Guardian, and he pulled his chainsaw out. He revved it up, but the only sound it made was a weak motor noise. "It's out of gas?!-" Kone jumped at him, swinging the wrench. Guardian ducked and hit him with the deactivated Chainsaw. Kone grunted and swung the pipe to his direction, hitting Guardian in the arm. He dropped the Chainsaw, and held his bruised arm. 

Kone swung again, but Guardian grabbed his hand and pushed him back with all of his force. Kone stumbled a little, and Guardian rammed into him with all of his might.. Kone fell back, and his hat came off, revealing how mutilated the top of his head was. It was crushed and parts of his skull and brain were exposed, and the fur and skin around it were stained with blood, and he still had other wounds all over his top head. He stood up slowly, and Guardian ran. He noticed Laa-Laa was gone. Eventually, he kept running till he didn't hear Kone behind him anymore. Finally he paused, coming across a dead end. There he saw Laa-Laa, sitting down with her legs up and her arms over them. She was sitting the same way she was before Guardian had left her.. She had heard him, but she made no effort to get up. Guardian could hear her crying quietly, and letting out small moans or groans of pain. "Laa-Laa?.." She looked around, trying to find him, letting out a small mutter. "Friend.." He got down on his knee, and held his hand out. "Do you remember me? Do you need help?.." She moved her hand around aimlessly, till she finally felt his hand, and held onto it.

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