The Cave's Darkness.

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Laa-Laa stood up, still holding his hand. "I can help you out of here. They're are monsters here, okay?-" She didn't answer, but he could tell she understand. Guardian turned, keeping her hand gently, and started walking to the exit of the cave, trying to remember the layout of it from last time. "I'm sorry for leaving you there that day, but now I can help.. As long as you keep understanding me-" Guardian heard a loud roar from across the Cave. He looked back, to see CaveTubby staring them down. He held her hand tighter, and started running. She almost stumbled but kept running with him. He could hear CaveTubby's loud footsteps pounding behind him, and noticed the cave in the water was filling up faster then before, and now was up to almost his knees. As he was running, he felt Laa-Laa's hand slip from his. He looked back to see Laa-Laa stumbling, and a purple ooze coming out of her eyes and mouth. "Laa-Laa? Come on! Let's keep going! You get to see your brother again!" He was trying to rush her, as CaveTubby was getting closer and closer. "Please, Laa-Laa!"

She started violently twitching, as her body tensed. Purple fog started to appear around her. "She's- Mutating.. No.. No!-" She leaped at him, her darkness consuming her once again. Guardian started running again, "I'm sorry for leaving you again- But I have to.." He looked back to see CaveTubby passing her up. CaveTubby grabbed Guardian, and lifted him up. The giant creature lifted its arm, revealing its grotesque fleshly spike-claw coming out of its arm. It pulled back, ready to beat Guardian, but something hit its leg, causing Guardian to fall. Bullets started firing from behind him, as he laid in the rising water. CaveTubby roared, and Guardian looked back to see Anne shooting at him. Miles was there too, firing. His eyes widened, noticing Apollo behind them, staring at Laa-Laa behind CaveTubby. He quickly crawled towards them. Miles shouted, "We have to get out of here! You're lucky Phil noticed you guys leaving.. Careful when running, me and Anne noticed the rocks were collapsing from the ceiling." 

The cave rumbled, and they started running. Apollo stayed behind. "Laa-Laa.. Laa-Laa!" She looked to him, and got on all fours, running towards him as more fog was coming off her body. He screamed as she leaped to him, revealing two giant bulges were tearing underneath her arms, and flesh was forming out of them, turning into arm like shapes. Her neck was cracking too, as it was getting longer. Apollo put his arm over his face, but Laa-Laa was hit out the way by CaveTubby. He got up and started running, while the two chased him. "I-I'm your brother, please! Laa-Laa please!" She started getting closer, but a bullet whizzed passed and hit her in the shoulder, causing her to fall back.

"No!-" Miles grabbed Apollo's arm, and started pulling him. "That isn't your sister anymore!-" He shook his head, tears in his eyes. "No- You don't understand! That is her! Don't say that! S-She just wants to play tag!" Finally they reached the exit, and crawled out. Anne turned back, unclipped a grenade, and threw it in. "Laa-Laa!-" The grenade exploded, causing the cave behind to collapse, and for CaveTubby to make a loud roar noise as it was crushed by rubble. Miles walked up to Apollo, put his hand on his shoulder and frowned, "Listen, I am sorry. That isn't Laa-Laa anymore.." Apollo jerked his shoulder, and looked at Guardian. "What happened to her?!-" 

Guardian sighed, "Your sister.. She had an infected custard. I tried to help her in the ruins, I promised her help, and a cure. But- She turned before it could happen. I had to leave her.. I tried to help her again, and I got through to her. But she could only hold her murderous urges back for long. I'm sorry she had to die this way.." Apollo walked up to Guardian, "That's all?!- You couldn't tell me?- The entire night we've been here, you never told me about my sister? You never decided to let me see her?" Guardian sighed, "Listen, Apollo! I didn't know Laa-Laa had a family! If I did, I would of let you.. But-" Apollo yelled, "But what!? You participated in those disgusting experiments!" Guardian backed up, "I didn't have a choice! Your sister deserved the world, and I made sure to protect her! Why don't you get that?" Apollo squinted, "You don't know what its like to have a family. You're not like the rest of us.. You haven't had anybody in your life." Apollo pushed passed him. Guardian put his head down. "We should- Head to the Mainland now. The rain's dying down.." Guardian zipped up the bag, and put it over his shoulder. 

Butters looked around, "Where's Kone?" Guardian sighed, "Kone was infected. He tried to kill me.. There was no other way. These things can mutate into creatures of pure death, we had to stop him." Butters teared up and looked down. "I-It's okay- He was just.. He's been my friend for a long time. At least he's in a better place now, right?" Guardian nodded, "Let's hope so. I wanted to help him too, that's why I left. I was too late though.." Guardian turned, and started following Anne and Miles who were already heading to the direction of the Mainland. Phil stood up, and hugged Butters. "He's better now, Butters.. Let's do this for him, alright?" Butters nodded, whipped his tears, and started following, Phil following not far behind. Apollo stared from a distance. Apollo was holding a syringe filled with a glowing pink substance. "Not yet.. I can't. Eve will be in the Mainland, I want her to see me joining her." He put it away, and followed the group, thundering cracking throughout the sky. 

As Apollo walked passed the cave, the rubble was pushed away, being silenced by the loud rain and lightning. An arm punched through the rocks, and out crawled a Kone with some burn marks, and no weapons. He looked to Butters in the distance, baring his teeth. The creature started following from behind, quietly.

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