Chapter 7: The Horrible Truth.

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The group stepped into the hallway, and looked around. There was concrete walls, and concrete floors. Anne spoke, "We have to make it out of these hallways and find a staircase.. The creation facility goes down deeper, this is only the entrance." They started walking, the lights flickering. "So, It's a maze?" Anne shrugged, "Not really.. Its a hallway complex to lead to various different rooms.. This entire hallway area and those rooms have been since abandoned though. There was another way into the facility, but it was sealed off about two months ago due to some accidents.. They said it was for remodeling." Miles looked at Anne, "I don't like the sound of that.. They shut down a facility that was creating living beings? Did that not raise any red flags?" Anne nodded, "It did. People asked for weeks about what happened but they refused to tell us. Now we can finally see what happened there.." They continued walking in silence for a bit, everyone unnerved by how much the area felt like a liminal space, and the strange ambience the buzzing lights were making. Some hallways were completely pitch black cause the lights went out..

Phil stammered, "Do you.. Think this is where Apollo went?" Guardian nodded, "Had to have been. There's no way Dipsy would of conveniently wandered out of the Satellite Station, and came here, guarding the sewers. Apollo must of lead him here.." The group paused, footsteps echoing from the darkness. A light flickered just above. Guardian stepped forward, trying to make out what it was in the darkness. Phil gripped his knife, when a tall, lanky, skin and bone, orange Teletubby appeared with an arrow antenna. Guardian's eyes widened, "You- I recognize you.."  Anne looked at Guardian "Who is that?!-" Guardian backed up, "The original candidate for the Mainland experiment. Arrow." The creature screamed, and raced towards Guardian. He pulled his chainsaw and started walking back. Miles looked at him, "Original candidate?!-" Guardian jumped back when the Teletubby swung. "I don't have time to explain!" Phil ran towards Arrow, but he swiped his arm, smashing Phil into the wall. He picked him up by holding his head with both hands. He started to push his hands together, but a bullet shot out and Arrow dropped Phil. Miles was pointing his pistol at the Arrow Tubby. "Come and get me, Skinny ass!"

Arrow ran towards Miles, and he kept firing into its chest. It was unphased however, and swung its fist, smashing Miles mask with ease. Miles fell back, holding his face. He pulled his hand back to see blood, and could feel blood pouring out his nose. His vision was blurry too. He could see Arrow Tubby walking towards him. A chainsaw swung, and hit him in the side. Arrow Tubby shrieked, as Guardian started pushing the Chainsaw deeper into him. He yanked the chainsaw out after almost slicing him in half entirely. Arrow Tubby fell over, and blood oozed from its mouth. It was alive, but weak. Phil and Miles got up, and ran to Guardian and Anne. "We need to go before it gets back up!" Everyone started to run and they heard Arrow Tubby get back up. A shriek echoed through the halls while the creature ran towards them. "We can't waste bullets or energy on something that just won't stay down!"

Guardian looked back at Arrow. The creature was holding its side while blood gushed out from the wound and poured all over its body and floor. It was limped and moving as fast as it could. Anne looked ahead, "We're almost there to the main facility! Just keep running!" Guardian could see the door ahead. Arrow leaped towards the group, and Miles looked back. He moved as fast as he could, and aimed the gun at Arrow. He shot it in the chest, causing it to fall back, and land on the ground. It struggled to stand up while the group rushed ahead. Anne busted the door open, and everyone ran inside. She slammed the door shut, and locked it. Guardian looked around, confused.. "We're in a computer room.." Anne nodded. "They keep security footage in this room. We could of gone straight to the machine, but here, we're gonna figure out what the hell truly happened." Anne walked towards a large computer, and swiped her card into it. The computer powered on, and she typed a password in. 

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